A simple Ethereum ERC-20 honeypot sniper on UniswapV2, UniswapV3 and Sushiswap.
- ReactJS
- TailwindCSS
- web3js
- ganache-browser
The mechanism behind the check is really simple: we use a ganache-browser provider for the web3 instance forking the Metamask Infura URL at the latest block; this allows us to test any smart contract call with the current Mainnet state without having to spend any money.
Then, we do the following steps:
- Buy the token on the given AMM (currently supports UniswapV2 and UniswapV3) using 0.1 ETH;
- We call the token approve with the AMM Router address and our current balance;
- Finally, we try to sell back the token. If this operation fails, then something fishy is going on, since nobody interacts with that given pool except us: the token may be an honeypot! 🍯
This project is currently available for Ethereum Mainnet only. Feel free to fork it and adapt it for the chain (EVM-compatible) you want to support!
- UniswapV2 support
- UniswapV3 support
- Sushiswap support
- ETH pairs/pools
Coming soon:
- USDC pairs/pools
- USDT pairs/pools
If this tool helped you save a lot of money, then maybe you can buy me a coffee by sending some of that precious ETH to my wallet!
ETH donation address: 0x671C72f8cf71117E39F51e6eBCD43C73b43214B7