- React (create react app)
- Graphql
- URQL (GraphQl Client)
- Auth0
- Hasura Cloud, remote schema (database)
- Custom hooks
- React router
- Netlify (hosting)
- Log in/Sign up via Auth0
- User EXP tracking
- User can pick random country
- User can pick any country
- User can pick continent and then country will be drawn
- In result screen user can see correct answer
- 7 questions, each question for 100 base points (ISO code, currency, number prefix, continent, capitol, main launguage, flag)
- Three flags will be shown and only once are correct, others flags are incorrect
- Timer, user have 180 seconds to finish quiz, time depends on how many points user can reach from quiz (faster = better)
- Numbers of correct answers
- Score bar
- User answer list, with information that answer is correct or not and correct answer
- common buttons
- ICONS from https://www.svgrepo.com
- Design prototype on figma https://www.figma.com/@Pantal