- User can save his favorite recipes
- The recipes in the "try this" section are displayed according to the user's preferences as stated in the interview
- Users can search for recipes by the name of the dish, the ingredients included, or the type of cuisine
- Banner informing the user about errors (click to hide)
- Name input
- Search by select with 3 options
- Search button Expanded menu
- Random recipe button
- Back to home page button
- Reset user preferences
- Each recipe have 3 tags (time required, number of servings, type of cuisine)
- Food image
- Recipe title
- Each recipe card have smooth animation when card shows
- Refresh favourites button and delete favourites button in favourite section
- In top left corner user can add recipe to favourite by pressing button with star
- Instruction about recipe (if exist)
- Ingredients
- Button that allows user to copy ingredients list to clipboard
- Similar recipes section
- Displaying recipes without regard to user preferences
- Each result have food image and recipe title
- For the next 3 searches, when the input value was the same, a different recipe is displayed each time
- When the user clicks to reset preferences, the page reloads and the home screen is displayed
- When the user clicks not to reset preferences, the home page is displayed
- API from https://spoonacular.com/food-api
- ICONS from https://www.svgrepo.com
- Designe prototype on figma https://www.figma.com/@Pantal
- Illustrations form https://undraw.co/illustrations