As of 2024 03 04 these directions work, and has been deployed in Pangeam Cloud run under
Run the following to create a serviceAccount that will be the background, download its key, create a bucket, allow the proper access to the service account, and set an open CORS policy.
gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin
Grab the service_account.json
file from 1password
This should only need to be done to bootstrap the project. Unless you are standing up a new instance don't do this.
gcloud iam service-accounts create urlsigner --display-name="GCS URL Signer" --project=${PROJECT_NAME}
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create service_account.json --iam-account=urlsigner@${PROJECT_NAME}
gsutil mb gs://$PROJECT_NAME-urlsigner
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:urlsigner@${PROJECT_NAME} gs://$PROJECT_NAME-urlsigner
gsutil cors set cors.txt gs://$PROJECT_NAME-urlsigner
Next, build the Docker image and push to GCR:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t$PROJECT_NAME/uploader . && docker push$PROJECT_NAME/uploader:latest
Lastly, submit it to Cloud Run:
gcloud beta run deploy uploader --image$PROJECT_NAME/uploader:latest
See your files here: