Open a path/link/github repo under cursor with system app.
I don't know why the gx
sometimes opens the link and sometimes it doesn't. And I also want gx
to be able to quickly access GitHub repos like Pagliacii/sys-open.nvim
, so I wrote this Neovim plugin. Of course, this is my first plugin that I've written. So if you encounter any issues or have any ideas while using it, feel free to fire an issue.
- customize open command
- open the GitHub repo quickly
- Neovim >= 0.8.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)
Using Lazy.nvim:
return {
config = true,
cmd = { "SysOpen" },
--- optional keybinding
keys = {
{ "gx", "<cmd>SysOpen<cr>", desc = "Open with the system app", silent = true },
Default settings:
opts = {
open_cmd = nil, -- auto-detected at default
debug = false, -- enable more debug infos
silent = false, -- silent the error message
open_dir = true, -- open the directory path or not
github_repo = true, -- quick access a GitHub repo
github_repo_pattern = "^[%w-]+/[%w-.]+$",
link_pattern = "(https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)",
exclude_chars = "[%[%](){}<>!;,\"']",
Call SysOpen
, or use a keybinding likes gx
Using vim.fn.expand("<cWORD>")
to get the word under cursor, and execute the system related open
to invoke the default app to open it.