This repository contains learning materials and examples for complementing a series of workshops organised prior to a data hackathon event. Participants for this event can use the materials in conjunction with a self-paced web learning video series: Tools for Strengthening Your Data Literacy
- Signup with Github and installation of Github Desktop for code sharing and tracking.
- Installation of Visual Studio Code for web publishing.
- The HTML document object model (DOM).
- The Box model, positioning and display properties for page composition.
- Understanding the use of selectors (e.g. CLASS and ID) to access page elements.
- Basic rules for combining selectors in styling the page elements.
- The Administrator’s dashboard in WordPress.
- Installation of themes and plugins for extending the functionality of WordPress.
- The use of Kadence theme for user-friendly web design.
- Use of the classic and block editors for content preparation and page layout.
- Use of Kadence blocks for styling HTML DOM elements on the page.
- Powerful plugins for creating user-defined tables and fields for powerful data import, export, and management.
- Overview of data collection from different sources.
- Introduction to ParseHub for single-page and multiple-page scraping.
- The ethical and legal considerations in web scraping.
- Use of OpenRefine for data cleaning.
- How to handle inconsistent, incomplete, and incorrect data (e.g. wrong formats and duplicates) in OpenRefine.
- What is a relational database?
- Primary and foreign keys in relational database.
- Learn SQL using SQLite with DB Browser
- Filter, sort, and group data using SQL commands
- One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships in SQL.
- Use of JavaScript to access and control HTML and CSS elements.
- Introduction to Bootstrap web design framework.
- Use of Bootstrap for creating navigation bar and form.
- Introduction to C3 for creating charts and graphs.
- Introduction to Leaflet for creating maps.
- Introduction to PapaParse for using Google Sheet to store data and allow access through CSV file sharing.