- http://gedd.ski/
- https://uses.tech/
- https://listeningtogether.atspotify.com/
- https://blog.blumenaujs.org/ - liked this layout
- https://defaced.dev/web/the-buggiest-site-on-the-web/ - example of website with animated image on console
- https://wizardzines.com/zines/http/
- https://twitter.com/felixleezd/status/1664285949986226176 (a thread)
- http://strml.net/ - Samuel Reed: Frontend / NodeJS Developer
- http://jimmac.musichall.cz/ - Jakub Steiner: Designer. Camera Pilot.
- http://cassidyjames.com/ - Cassidy James: elementary OS community manager.
- http://snwh.org/ - Sam Hewitt: Designer.
- https://sindresorhus.com - Sindre Sorhus, creator of http://AVA.li/ and Yeoman (with Addy Osmani)
- https://nemethgergely.com/
- https://bukinoshita.io/
- https://pothix.com
- http://zehfernandes.com
- https://addyosmani.com
- https://jcemer.com
- https://nipher.io/
- https://caferati.me/
- https://substack.neocities.org/
- https://dougblack.io/index.html
- http://bradfrost.com/
- https://iamsaravieira.com - A graphql interface
- http://juliangarnier.com/ - Designed as a chat
- http://mystaticself.com/#/connect - Crazy webgl interactive website
- http://mrmrs.cc/
- https://sarah.dev/
- http://rachelnabors.com/
- https://www.alispit.tel/
- https://flaviocopes.com/
- https://cassidoo.co/
- http://shillingburg.co/index.html
- http://daisymarie128.github.io/#/home
- http://mds.is/
- https://www.matthewencina.com/
- https://bruno-simon.com/ - awesome game
- https://lynnandtonic.com/
- https://olaolu.dev/
- https://www.gabrielvaldivia.com/
- https://stuffwithstuff.com/
- https://sam.jajoo.fun/
- https://wes.dev/
- https://quentinhocde.com/
- https://timcchang.com/
- https://dribbble.com/shots/5957554-Personal-site-Version-2350938-0 | https://t.co/fM3faTpIV5?amp=1 - crazy scroll effect
- https://guillaumegouessan.com/
- https://tr.af/
- https://guglieri.com/
- https://mxb.dev/
- https://leerob.io/ | https://rod.kisten.dev/
- https://www.ansdor.com/
- https://luisarbezerra.com/
- http://slackjeff.com.br/ - "vintage"
- https://rauno.me/ - a really nice one
- https://kitze.io/
- https://rauno.me/ - really amazing
- https://cydstumpel.nl/
- https://udara.io/ - includes his own microblog
- https://www.attiq.design/
- https://work.co/
- http://www.makemepulse.com/ | https://2019.makemepulse.com/
- https://lusion.co/
- https://www.lexaloffle.com/
- https://cuberto.com/
- https://activetheory.net/home
- https://14islands.com/
- https://fremtidensuddannelser.dk/en
- https://superlist.com/
- https://withcompound.com/
- https://wowc.io/
- https://liveblocks.io/
- https://umbrel.com/
- https://lusion.co/ 🤯