This library is used to compute HCDF. Here is described the algorithm in detail. As many of the solutions overlap partilly, all the algorithm data computed in the different blocks is saved in out folder in order to not compute same blocks parameterization two times.
Install Vamp-plugins:
- (NNLSchroma)
- (HPCPchroma) Install dependencies:
pip3 install requeriments.txt
The library can be imported as a module with import HCDF
. All the functions than begins by get are blocks from HCDF
function. The rest are auxiliar functions. act as script allowing the user to print to the console Harmonic Change Detection Function (HCDF) focus on maximizing recall or f-score. It is assumed that the first command line argument is the name file of the audio file located in audio_files and the second one is, if is focus on recall or f-score.
With target on maximize f-score:
python3 f-score file/name
With target on maximize recall:
python3 recall file/name