A minimal MuJoCo simulation with ROS communication.
Inside a fresh catkin workspace, clone this repo inside /path/to/ws/src/
(or inside /path/to/ws
and rename this repo to src
). Then, run catkin_make
Download, compile and install mujoco:
cd /path/to/mujoco
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../install" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j
make install
cd ..
export MJ_PATH=$(pwd)
Running tests for all packages:
catkin_make # Compile and generate msgs
catkin_make run_tests # Run tests
catkin_test_results # Check for failures
- Visualization support
- Executing an open-loop plan from a file
- Closed-loop execution via a service (control in, next observation out)
- Use nodelets for faster message copies?
- Replace the old message translation code while having a way to simulate sensor data if necessary.
- Check nodelet frequencies and topic names
- Check for unnecessary copies
- Check if Xacro can be used to configure MJ models (i.e. change environment)
- Replace the current
(or at least refactor it) so it spawnsmushr_simulation
and connects via topics.