This repo contains the gazebo simulation packages of the robotic platforms used for the pic4rl_gym project:
The PIC4rl_gym project is intended to develop a set of ROS2 packages in order to easily train deep reinforcement learning algorithms for autonomous navigation in a Gazebo simulation environment. A great variety of different sensors (cameras, LiDARs, etc) and platforms are available for custom simulations in both indoor and outdoor stages. Official paper of the project: Please consider citing our research if you find it useful for your work, google scholar reference at the bottom.
Tested software versions
- ROS 2: Foxy (Ubuntu 20.04), Humble (Ubuntu 22.04)
title={Pic4rl-gym: a ros2 modular framework for robots autonomous navigation with deep reinforcement learning},
author={Martini, Mauro and Eirale, Andrea and Cerrato, Simone and Chiaberge, Marcello},
booktitle={2023 3rd International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (ICCCR)},