Management utils for FreePBX.
The following mandatory environment variables must be set:
Environment Variable | Description |
POSTGRES_HOST | Host where PostgreSQL is running |
POSTGRES_DB | Database name configured for PBX-Manager |
POSTGRES_USER | Username configured for PBX-Manager |
POSTGRES_PASS | Password of the PBX-Manager user |
TELLOWS_API_KEY | API key for the Tellows service |
TELLOWS_COUNTRY | Country for which to check numbers without international code |
TELLOWS_LANGUAGE | Language of the response from Tellows |
FREEPBX_GRAPHQL_URL | GraphQL endpoint of your FreePBX instance |
FREEPBX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID | Client ID obtained for PBX-Manager |
FREEPBX_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret obtained for PBX-Manager |
FREEPBX_OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL | OAuth 2 authorization endpoint of your FreePBX instance |
FREEPBX_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL | OAuth 2 token endpoint of your FreePBX instance |
ALLOWED_ORIGINS | URLs of clients that can access the backend (CORS header) |
The following environment variable must be set if the PostgreSQL host is not running on the default port:
Environment Variable | Description |
POSTGRES_PORT | Port where PostgreSQL is running |