The PALEO framework provides a toolkit and model coupler for constructing Earth and exo-Earth system biogeochemical models. Model components are available as registered packages in the Julia programming language, and may be used to create standalone process models or coupled (exo)Earth system models.
Installation instructions, tutorials and examples are available in the PALEOtutorials repository.
- PALEOcopse (the COPSE biogeochemical model)
- PALEOocean (ocean model examples and Reactions)
- PALEOsediment (sediment model examples and Reactions)
- PALEOaqchem (aquatic biogeochemistry including eg marine carbonate system)
- PALEOboxes (model coupler and core Reaction catalog)
- PALEOmodel (solvers, output and plotting for standalone models)
Help, discussion etc PALEOtoolkit slack