This is a JavaScript reimplementation of UMAP from the python implementation found at
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a dimension reduction technique that can be used for visualisation similarly to t-SNE, but also for general non-linear dimension reduction.
There are a few important differences between the python implementation and the JS port.
- The optimization step is seeded with a random embedding rather than a spectral embedding. This gives comparable results for smaller datasets. The spectral embedding computation relies on efficient eigenvalue / eigenvector computations that are not easily done in JS.
- There is no specialized functionality for angular distances or sparse data representations.
yarn add umap-js
import { UMAP } from 'umap-js';
const umap = new UMAP();
const embedding =;
import { UMAP } from 'umap-js';
const umap = new UMAP();
const embedding = await umap.fitAsync(data, epochNumber => {
// check progress and give user feedback, or return `false` to stop
import { UMAP } from 'umap-js';
const umap = new UMAP();
const nEpochs = umap.initializeFit(data);
for (let i = 0; i < nEpochs; i++) {
const embedding = umap.getEmbedding();
import { UMAP } from 'umap-js';
const umap = new UMAP();
const embedding =;
import { UMAP } from 'umap-js';
const umap = new UMAP();;
const transformed = umap.transform(additionalData);
The UMAP constructor can accept a number of hyperparameters via a UMAPParameters
object, with the most common described below. See umap.ts for more details.
Parameter | Description | default |
nComponents |
The number of components (dimensions) to project the data to | 2 |
nEpochs |
The number of epochs to optimize embeddings via SGD | (computed automatically) |
nNeighbors |
The number of nearest neighbors to construct the fuzzy manifold | 15 |
minDist |
The effective minimum distance between embedded points, used with spread to control the clumped/dispersed nature of the embedding |
0.1 |
spread |
The effective scale of embedded points, used with minDist to control the clumped/dispersed nature of the embedding |
1.0 |
random |
A pseudo-random-number generator for controlling stochastic processes | Math.random |
distanceFn |
A custom distance function to use | euclidean |
const umap = new UMAP({
nComponents: 2,
nEpochs: 400,
nNeighbors: 15,
uses jest
for testing.
yarn test
This is not an officially supported Google product