This version supports Objective-C (for AppCode), Java (for IntelliJ IDEA), Ruby (for RubyMine, even though it already has a Monokai color scheme), and has better PHP support (PhpStorm)
This is a port of the Monokai theme from Sublime Text 2 to IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. It looks a bit like this:
Note: I have created an issue on the Jetbrain's bug-tracker. The issue is related to selecting text that is highlighted after searching. Link:
You can manually place the XML file in the correct location, or within PhpStorm go to File -> Import Settings and locate the included .jar file. This will only import the colour scheme.
To manually install the colour theme, go to Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts. Create a new color scheme called "Monokai Sublime".
Click Apply.
Search your hard drive for a file called "Monokai_Sublime.xml"
Replace that file with the one in this github repository.
On a Mac, you'll find that file at
On Linux the file is located at
On Windows, the files are located in
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your username>\.WebIde10\config\colors