serialize and deserialize data from/to json in C
To use cerde, simple add cerde.c to your build system and include the cerde.h header.
int main()
// create the root object
cd_val* root = cd_add_obj(null, make_sstr(""));
// now add children to it
cd_add(root, make_sstr("test_number"), 12.5678f);
cd_add(root, make_sstr("test_bool"), true);
// add an array as a child of the root
cd_val* temperatures_array = cd_add_array(root, make_sstr("temperatures"));
// make_sstr is a macro which expands to string + length of string. This macro only works for string literals
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 15);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 16);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 17);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 18);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 19);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 21);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 22);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 23);
cd_add_element(temperatures_array, 24);
// when you're finished creating your object, serialize it to a string!
str result = cd_serialize(root);
printf("%s",; // outputs: "{"test_number":12.5678,"test_bool":1,"temperatures":[15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24]}"
// finally, deinitialize cerde