This is a project for a blog using laravel v8 with jetstream and inertia.js with Vue2
stack.This project is a Blog and CMS with features listed below.
[*] Posts
[] Permissons & Roles
[] Video & Image
[] Comments
[] Rating
- Clone This repo into a directory of your choosing
- Copy and rename .env.example file to .env
- Edit Credentials on .env file [APP_NAME,DB_NAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD] and save
- Run these commands
1) php artisan key:generate
2) composer install
3) php artisan migrate --seed
4) npm install
5) npm run dev
6) create a postman collection using mablog.postman_collection.json (for api calls)
7) php artisan storage:link
- Run the app using
*) php artisan serve
1) php artisan r:l (see the routes/urls)
- Commands for development enviorment
1) php artisan serve (run development server)
2) npm run watch (for front-end development enviorment ) #with this browser auto compiles and refreshes on change of css/js localhost:3000
php >= 7.4
- imagick PHP extension (required by intervention)
- gd PHP extension