This repository is the host for my professional portfolio website, providing a comprehensive display of my coding abilities and showcasing the functionalities of the website.
Why did I build this site?
The development of this site was motivated by two primary objectives. Firstly, it serves as a tool to increase marketability and differentiation in the competitive field of web development. Secondly, it provides a valuable learning opportunity, allowing for a deeper understanding of modern web development practices and the ability to create a project from scratch. The completion of this project has reinforced my proficiency in front-end programming.
Going forward, this repository will be continually updated with fresh content and resources, and the code will be adapted to reflect the evolving industry standards.
An overview all the countries ive traveled. The library allows users to see the latest content by default organized from newest to oldest but this can be sorted. Additionally, users can sort by oldest first, or ranked from best to worst. Clicking the 'Show incomplete' button will show countries which do not yet have a video to show but they can see other content.
Inside each video is a completed feature film from my time there and optionally instagram posts and media worth sharing.
After watching a video, a tick is placed on the library page to indicate to the user which ones they've seen.
- Typescript
- React
- Next
- Material UI
- Sass
- Jest
- Notion CMS
- Github (Repository)
- Github Actions (For CI/CD)
- Vercel Cloud Platform (For Automated Deployments and Serverless Functions)
This project was created as an opportunity to experiment and explore new techniques in web development. Initially, I came from a React Native background and wanted to expand my folio by trying out various styling tools. After evaluating options such as default CSS and Tailwind, I ultimately decided to use SASS for its ease of use and reliability.
Performance was a primary concern as the website serves as my portfolio and is frequently visited by recruiters and potential employers. To ensure a smooth user experience, I kept the use of NPM packages to a minimum and wrote custom code to meet specific needs, opting for raw CSS whenever possible. The efforts to optimize performance are reflected in the high lighthouse score, as shown below.
Test-driven development was another major focus during the project's development. I aimed to gain a strong understanding of this development style, although it proved to be easier to implement with static pages. Complex APIs presented a greater challenge in this regard. The results of these efforts are shown below.
Dark mode support was also a consideration, adding an extra layer of complexity to the development process. However, once properly configured, it was easy to implement. I believe it is important to accommodate user preferences and provide a choice between light and dark modes.
- Prerequisites:
- Download and install Node version 18.12.0 or above from the official website:
- Download and install Git from the official website:
- Verify the installations by running the commands
node -v
and git --version in a terminal window.
- Installing Yarn:
- Run the following command in a terminal window to install Yarn globally:
npm install -g yarn
- Verify the installation by running the command
yarn -v
in a terminal window.
- Cloning the Repository:
- Use the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- This will save the repository files in the current directory of the terminal window.
- Running the Development Server:
- Navigate to the repository directory using a terminal window and run the following command: yarn dev
- This will start the development server and make the application accessible at
in a web browser.
In the future, it is intended to implement a more efficient content updating
process utilizing a headless CMS solution such as Strapi.
Currently, updates to guide content are made directly within
Notion Pages and modifications to other page elements
are performed by updating the .ts files within the repository's
~/src/datasources directory
. Hence, the subsequent instructions assume that
you have access to the local repository and are authorized to make and push
- Create a guide within any notion pages, ensure it has a cover image. It should be the same as the thumbnail but higher res (Ideal px width x height is 1500x850).
Click share in the upper right
Click 'Share to web'
Copy the trailing number section of the link
- Save a thumbnail in the repo path
with a shortened name egheating-blockchain.png
- Ideal px width x height is 380x200
- Only use .png
- Open
in your favorite text editor and add a key-value object to the top following this type:
title: string; // Title for the guide page
link: string; // Will appear in the url, keep it short, e.g "self-heating-blockchain-guide"
notionPage: string; // Copy only the numbers section from the notion pages link
created: number; // Epoch number for the date the notion page was made
thumbnail: string; // The ending path to the thumbnail, eg "/guides/heating-blockchain.png"
subTitle: string; // Sub title for the guide page - Will be shortened above 50 characters
topic: Topic; // Programming, Agile or Infrastructure etc, this shows on the guide page
languages?: Languages[]; // Optional: If one or multiple programming languages, add them here. You can add new ones in `~src/guides/types.ts`
tags?: Tags[]; // Optional: Tags convey the content, e.g 'guide', 'blog post' etc. You can add new ones in `~src/guides/types.ts`
- Git push and after auto deployment you should see the guide card on the
in your favorite text editor -
Edit the content as desired
Git push and after auto deployment you should see the changes reflected on the
Notes: Do not add more than 3 'For You' or 6 'Qualification' items. You can have unlimited Volunteering or Work Experience items
in your favorite text editor -
Edit the content as desired
Git push and after auto deployment you should see the changes reflected on the
Add a new folder under
with the name of the project -
Add all the images you can of the project
in your favorite text editor -
Edit the content as desired, ensuring the images are referenced under the image key
Git push and after auto deployment you should see the changes reflected on the
in your favorite text editor -
Edit the content as desired
Git push and after auto deployment you should see the changes reflected on the
If you find any bugs or have any feedback or suggested improvements, I would love to hear from you!
You can reach out to me:
Email - [email protected]
LinkedIn -
Facebook -
Discord - Franklin Moon#8808