When you think Plexensus, think 'Tinder for Netflix' (But for your own personal movie files).
This was a small app I built using basic Python (flask) and Javascript (jquery) skills.
Movie information is sourced from IMDB using rapid-API found here: https://rapidapi.com/
I was constrained by cost so instead of calling the API every time a movie is shown, IMDB is called once when a new movie is detected and it's data (Name/Year/Image) are stored in the database.
It's a little crude, using simple jquery ajax calls and passing data between the front and backend using hidden forms, but it works.
In the future I plan to deprecate this and rebuild it using React for the frontend, and Java for the backend with Postgres for data storage.
This is just a simple MVP/proof of concept.
Swipe left for 'No' or right for 'Yes'.
Selecting No prevents the movie appearing again until after a refresh.
Tap the refresh button to wipe all selections and reload the database, scanning for any new movies added to the list.
When a movie is 'Yesed'(?) twice, it will say you have a match.
Note: This is incredibly clunky and outdated, in the future when this is rebuilt this will be automated entirely.
- Clone or download this repo somewhere you plan to keep the files on your machine
- Ensure you have Python 3 and pip installed, guide here: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-pip-windows
- Install the following python packages using Pip: flask, ast and numpy. Alternatively Visual Studio can detect the missing packages and install them for you if you open the folder inside it
- Open the file 'Plexensus_config.py' in your preferred text editor
- After 'moviespath', enter the directory of your movies. Be sure you use '/' not ''
- Install mysql installer for windows AND connector/python from here: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/
- Open MySQL command line client and login/register
- Create a database wiith this command: CREATE DATABASE localmoviesDB;
- Paste the following command: CREATE TABLE moviedata (id AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(256), year int(4), poster varchar(256), moviematch tinyint(1), nomatch tinyint(1), disliked tinyint(1), PRIMARY KEY (id));
- Paste this too, swapping the login and pasword to one of your choice: CREATE LOGIN WITH PASSWORD = '';
- Enter the user and password into the 'Plexensus_config.py' on the db user and password fields
- Lastly sign up for this rapid api, it's free: https://rapidapi.com/rapidapi/api/movie-database-imdb-alternative
- Click on the 'endpoints' tab, under code snippets open the drop down menu, selects 'Python' then 'Requests'
- Test your Endpoint to make sure it's all good
- Copy the 50 character 'x-rapidapi-key' and paste it in the 'Plexensus_config.py file under your api key
- Open command prompt and type 'ipconfig', hit enter
- Copy the numbers after IPV4
- Open 'Plexensus_webapp.py' in your favorite text editor, scroll to the very bottom
- Replace '' with your numbers and delete 'debug=true, '
- Nearly done! Finally shift-rightclick the folder you installed everything into and 'open in powershell'
- Paste this 'python Plexensus_webapp.py runserver' and press enter
- Follow the prompt to open the app in your browser. If you're on a PC press F12, at the top to the left there's a small square on a big square for mobile mode