The repository for team OWS at LongEval 2024 at CLEF 2024
tira-cli download --dataset longeval-tiny-train-20240315-training
- Feature-based Learning to Rank (Gijs)
- Use the WOWS submissions to create around 50 features
- Extract features/add them via code like this: respectively
- Query Features: Query Intent + Query Performance Prediction
- Document Features: Web Page Genre + Corpus Grap + Readibility
- Query-Document Features: BM25 + MonoT5 + ColBERT
- ToDo: Look for more interesting components
- Apply LambdaMART
- Use the WOWS submissions to create around 50 features
Idea 2: Archive Lookup / Learning from History / History Repeats Itself / Exploit Overlap / Zipfs Law
I already know which topics will be submitted. I already know "similar" documents
Archive lookup: I look up what was good a few months ago, now we try to transfer this via two strategies and combinations thereof: (1) query reformulation, (2) document reformulation.
Query Reformulation (Daria):
- Idea:
- Queries overlap over the different time slots
- I.e. for some query, we know which documents were clicked a few months ago
- We insert the clicked documents into the current corpus and reformulate the query with RM3 until the known relevant documents from a few months ago are at the top positions
- Use Explain Like I am BM25 for better reformulating
- Remove the old doc ids from the ranking
- Combine it with the Corpus Graph idea
- What to do if a query is new
- Idea:
Document Reformulation/Oracle Indexing/Index Partitioning (Maik):
- Idea:
- Reformulate all documents so that they are only retrieved for the queries for which they are relevant and not be retrieved for queries for which they are not relevant
- Because queries are overlapping
- Learn optimal sequence to sequence translation of documents to ideal documents on the training data
- Use this on the test data that is X months in the future and uses the same topics (information needs) but (slightly) updated documents
- What do we need:
- Sequence to sequence training dataset: Document -> perfect document
- How do we construct this?
- document => all queries for which the document is relevant (DeepCT / splade training objective)
- Reverse bipartite graph between documents and its relevant queries
- Include corpus graph idea?
- Goal: ndcg above 0.8
- Technnologies to look into:
- Naive Bayes: P(query|document text) or P(partition|document text)
- Transformer: sequence to sequence
- Splade
- RM3 reversed
- Idea: