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viktorTarasov committed Dec 11, 2012
1 parent 15ff83d commit e63b4f7
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Showing 53 changed files with 397 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/AladdinEtokenPro/eToken.gif
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions attachments/wiki/CompilingInstalling/Make.rules.mak
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Note: these instructions obsolete the instructions in opensc.html

# You first need to download the gnuwin32 libtool (e.g. the "Binaries" and "Developer
# files" from
# Then fill in the directory path to ltdl.h on the LIBLTDL_INCL line below, preceeded
# by an "/I"; and fill in the path to the libltdl.lib on the LIBLTDL_LIB line below.
# Then you can build this OpenSC package; and afterwards you'll need to copy the
# libltdl3.dll somewhere on your execution path.
LIBLTDL_INCL = /IC:\libtool-1.5.8-lib\include
LIBLTDL_LIB = C:\libtool-1.5.8-lib\lib\libltdl.lib

# If you want support for OpenSSL (needed for a.o. pkcs15-init tool and openssl engine):
# - download and build OpenSSL
# - uncomment the line starting with OPENSSL_DEF
# - set the OPENSSL_INCL_DIR below to your openssl include directory, preceded by "/I"
# - set the OPENSSL_LIB below to your openssl lib file
OPENSSL_INCL_DIR = /IC:\openssl\include
OPENSSL_LIB = C:\openssl\out32dll\libeay32.lib
PKCS15_INIT = pkcs15-init.exe

COPTS = /Zi /MD /nologo /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /I$(TOPDIR)\src\include /I$(TOPDIR)\src\include\opensc $(OPENSSL_INCL_DIR) $(LIBLTDL_INCL) /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 $(OPENSSL_DEF)

@for %i in ( $(HEADERS) ) do \
@xcopy /d /q /y %i $(HEADERSDIR) > nul

@for %i in ( $(HEADERSDIRFROM2) ) do \
@xcopy /d /q /y %i\*.h $(HEADERSDIR2)\*.h > nul

cl $(COPTS) /c $<

del /Q *.obj *.dll *.exe

Binary file added attachments/wiki/Cyberflex/CardEdgeII.ijc
Binary file not shown.
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/01_jean-michel.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/FOSDEM_INTRO.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/FOSDEM_OPENSC.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/SSH_libraries.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/dynalogin.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/ejbca-opensc-1.odp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/FOSDEM2011/talk-199.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/GermanEGK/HPC-Image.gif
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/JavaCard/gpj.jar
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MICARDO/mic21_druck.pdf
Binary file not shown.
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions attachments/wiki/MacInstaller/tokend-build-10.7-fix.patch
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@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
diff --git a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cfutilities.h b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cfutilities.h
index e6c5a40..15b0cbc 100644
--- a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cfutilities.h
+++ b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cfutilities.h
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ string cfString(CFTypeRef url, OSStatus err); // dynamic form; throws on bad t
// way of working around this. So the handling of unsigned numbers is "almost correct."
template <class Number>
-class CFNumberTraits;
+struct CFNumberTraits;

template <> struct CFNumberTraits<char> {
static const CFNumberType cfnType = kCFNumberCharType;
@@ -293,6 +293,36 @@ CFNumberRef makeCFNumber(Number value)
// legacy form
inline uint32_t cfNumber(CFNumberRef number) { return cfNumber<uint32_t>(number); }

+// Translate strings into CFStrings
+inline CFStringRef makeCFString(const char *s, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
+ return s ? CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, s, encoding) : NULL;
+inline CFStringRef makeCFString(const string &s, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
+ return CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, s.c_str(), encoding);
+inline CFStringRef makeCFString(CFDataRef data, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
+ return CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(NULL, data, encoding);
+// Create CFURL objects from various sources
+CFURLRef makeCFURL(const char *s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL);
+CFURLRef makeCFURL(CFStringRef s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL);
+inline CFURLRef makeCFURL(const string &s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL)
+ return makeCFURL(s.c_str(), isDirectory, base);

// Make temporary CF objects.
@@ -366,35 +396,6 @@ inline CFDataRef makeCFDataMalloc(const Data &source)

-// Translate strings into CFStrings
-inline CFStringRef makeCFString(const char *s, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
- return s ? CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, s, encoding) : NULL;
-inline CFStringRef makeCFString(const string &s, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
- return CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, s.c_str(), encoding);
-inline CFStringRef makeCFString(CFDataRef data, CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
- return CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(NULL, data, encoding);
-// Create CFURL objects from various sources
-CFURLRef makeCFURL(const char *s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL);
-CFURLRef makeCFURL(CFStringRef s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL);
-inline CFURLRef makeCFURL(const string &s, bool isDirectory = false, CFURLRef base = NULL)
- return makeCFURL(s.c_str(), isDirectory, base);

diff --git a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/endian.h b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/endian.h
index b6e2079..d606d88 100644
--- a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/endian.h
+++ b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/endian.h
@@ -37,32 +37,6 @@
namespace Security {

-// Endian<SomeType> keeps NBO values in memory and converts
-// during loads and stores. This presumes that you are using
-// memory blocks thare are read/written/mapped as amorphous byte
-// streams, but want to be byte-order clean using them.
-// The generic definition uses h2n/n2h to flip bytes. Feel free
-// to declare specializations of Endian<T> as appropriate.
-// Note well that the address of an Endian<T> is not an address-of-T,
-// and there is no conversion available.
-template <class Type>
-class Endian {
- typedef Type Value;
- Endian() : mValue(Type(0)) { }
- Endian(Value v) : mValue(h2n(v)) { }
- operator Value () const { return n2h(mValue); }
- Endian &operator = (Value v) { mValue = h2n(v); return *this; }
- Value mValue;

// Encode/decode operations by type, overloaded.
@@ -133,6 +107,33 @@ static inline void h2ni(Type &v) { v = h2n(v); }
template <class Type>
static inline void n2hi(Type &v) { v = n2h(v); }

+// Endian<SomeType> keeps NBO values in memory and converts
+// during loads and stores. This presumes that you are using
+// memory blocks thare are read/written/mapped as amorphous byte
+// streams, but want to be byte-order clean using them.
+// The generic definition uses h2n/n2h to flip bytes. Feel free
+// to declare specializations of Endian<T> as appropriate.
+// Note well that the address of an Endian<T> is not an address-of-T,
+// and there is no conversion available.
+template <class Type>
+class Endian {
+ typedef Type Value;
+ Endian() : mValue(Type(0)) { }
+ Endian(Value v) : mValue(h2n(v)) { }
+ operator Value () const { return n2h(mValue); }
+ Endian &operator = (Value v) { mValue = h2n(v); return *this; }
+ Value mValue;
} // end namespace Security

diff --git a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/errors.h b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/errors.h
index c99d5c3..01620cf 100644
--- a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/errors.h
+++ b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/errors.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@

+#include <errno.h>
#include <security_utilities/utilities.h>
#include <exception>
#include <CoreServices/../Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Headers/MacTypes.h>
diff --git a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/utilities.h b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/utilities.h
index a6fddab..c74058a 100644
--- a/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/utilities.h
+++ b/security_utilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/utilities.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#define _H_UTILITIES

#include <security_utilities/utility_config.h>
+#include <security_cdsa_utilities/cssmbridge.h>
#include <exception>
#include <new>
#include <string>
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MiniDriver/OpenSCCardMod.png
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Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox1.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox10.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox11.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox2.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox3.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox4.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox5.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox6.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox7.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox8.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MozillaSteps/firefox9.jpg
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MuscleApplet/CardEdge_jc222.cap
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/MyEID/aventra_logo_white.PNG
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/OverView/OpenSC.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/TCOS/Card-Images.gif
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file added attachments/wiki/TracBrowser/.2
Empty file.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/User%3Ashredder/tomas.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added attachments/wiki/pam_pkcs11/pam-pkcs11.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions ws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;

die "Needs input and output file names"
unless $#ARGV ge 0;

my $input_file_name = $ARGV[0];

my $output_dir = "";
$output_dir = $ARGV[1]
if ($#ARGV ge 1);
$output_dir .= "/"
if (length $output_dir);

my $basename = basename($input_file_name,{});

sub get_outfile_basename {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $out = $filename;

$filename =~ s|^(.*)\/(.*)$|$1\%2F$2|;
$filename =~ s|^(.*):(.*)$|$1\%3A$2|;
if (open my $file, "<$filename") {
my @lines = <$file>;
if ((scalar @lines) && ($lines[0] =~ m|^=\s([^=]+)\s=\s*$|)) {
$out = "$1";
$out =~ s|\s|-|g;
$out =~ s|[!\/\*&]||g;
# $out =~ s|#|%23|g;
$out =~ s|:|%3A|g;
$out =~ s|-+|-|g;

return $out;

my $output_file_name = get_outfile_basename($input_file_name).".textile";
print "In '$input_file_name', Out '$output_file_name'\n";

open(MYINPUTFILE, "<$input_file_name");
open(MYOUTPUTFILE, ">$output_dir$output_file_name");

my $prev_line = "";
my $num = 0;
while(<MYINPUTFILE>) {
my($line) = $_;
my $line_orig = $line;

if ($line =~ m|^\[\[TOC\]\]\s*$|);

if (($line =~ m|^[=]+\s\S|) and (length($prev_line) gt 1));

$line =~ s|==== (.*) ====|h4. $1|g;
$line =~ s|=== (.*) ===|h3. $1|g;
$line =~ s|== (.*) ==|h2. $1|g;
$line =~ s|= (.*) =|h1. $1|g;
$line =~ s|!#|#|g;

if (($prev_line =~ m|^h[1-9].\s+\S|) and ($line =~ m|\w|));

$line =~ s|\s!(\w+)| $1|g;

# [ RFC2119]
# [RFC2119](
if ($line =~ m|\[(https?://\S+)\s([^\]]*)\]|) {
$line =~ s|\[(https?://\S+)\s([^\]]*)\]|\"$2\":$1|g;
elsif ($line =~ m|\[(https?://\S+)\s*\]|) {
$line =~ s|\[(https?://\S+)\s*\]|\"$1\":$1|g;
$line =~ s|(\s+)(https?://\S+)|$1\"$2\":$2|g;
$line =~ s|^(https?://\S+)|\"$1\":$1|g;
$line =~ s|\{\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}\}|_$1_|g;
if ($line =~ m|\{\{\{|) {
$line =~ s|\{\{\{|<pre><code>|g;
$line =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
my $next_line = <MYINPUTFILE>;
$next_line =~ s/[\r]//g;
print MYOUTPUTFILE $line.$next_line;
while(<MYINPUTFILE>) {
my($code_line) = $_;
$code_line =~ s/[\r]//g;
if ($code_line =~ m|\}\}\}|) {
$code_line =~ s|\}\}\}|</code></pre>|g;
print MYOUTPUTFILE $code_line;
else {
print MYOUTPUTFILE $code_line;
# $line =~ s|\}\}\}|</code></pre>|g;
$line =~ s|'''([^\']*)'''|<b>$1</b>|g;
$line =~ s|''([^\']*)''|<i>$1</i>|g;

# [[Image(OpenSC_code_flow.png)]]
# ![OpenSC code flow](attachments/DevelopmentPolicy/OpenSC_code_flow.png)
$line =~ s|\[\[Image\(([^\)]+)\)\]\]|\!attachments\/wiki\/$input_file_name\/$1\($input_file_name\)\!|;

#[wiki:engine_pkcs11 engine_pkcs11]

if ($line =~ m|\[wiki:(\S+)\s+([^\]]*)\]|) {
my $basename = get_outfile_basename($1);
if (defined $basename) {
$basename =~ s|#|%23|g;
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s+([^\]]*)\]|\"$2\":wiki/$basename|;
else {
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s+([^\]]*)\]|"Not found: text($2) link($1)":wiki/$1|;

map {
my $expand_name = $_;
if ($line =~ m|<b>($expand_name)</b>|) {
my $basename = get_outfile_basename($1);
if (defined $basename) {
$basename =~ s|#|%23|g;
$line =~ s|<b>($expand_name)</b>|\"$1\":wiki/$basename|;
} ("GetStarted", "SupportedHardware", "GetInvolved", "DeveloperInformation",
"FrequentlyAskedQuestions", "SecurityAdvisories", "DownloadRelease");

if ($line =~ m|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\]\w|) {
my $basename = get_outfile_basename($1);
if (defined $basename) {
$basename =~ s|#|%23|g;
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\](\w*)|\"$basename\":wiki/$basename\n$2|;
else {
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\]|"Not found: link($1)":wiki/$1|;

if ($line =~ m|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\]|) {
my $basename = get_outfile_basename($1);
if (defined $basename) {
$basename =~ s|#|%23|g;
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\]|\"$basename\":wiki/$basename|;
else {
$line =~ s|\[wiki:(\S+)\s*\]|"Not found: link($1)":wiki/$1|;

$line =~ s/\|\|/\|/g
if ($line =~ m/^\|\|(.*)\|\|\s*$/);

$line =~ s/\r//g;
$prev_line = $line;
print MYOUTPUTFILE "$line";

print MYOUTPUTFILE "\n";


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