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VLM-Grounder: A VLM Agent for Zero-Shot 3D Visual Grounding

Runsen XuZhiwei HuangTai WangYilun ChenJiangmiao Pang*Dahua Lin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shanghai AI Laboratory Zhejiang University

🏠 About

We present VLM-Grounder, a novel framework using vision-language models (VLMs) for zero-shot 3D visual grounding based solely on 2D images. VLM-Grounder dynamically stitches image sequences, employs a grounding and feedback scheme to find the target object, and uses a multi-view ensemble projection to accurately estimate 3D bounding boxes. Experiments on ScanRefer and Nr3D datasets show VLM-Grounder outperforms previous zero-shot methods, achieving 51.6% [email protected] on ScanRefer and 48.0% Acc on Nr3D, without relying on 3D geometry or object priors.

🔥 News

  • [2024-10-17] We release the paper of VLM-Grounder and all the codes! We are looking for self-motivated students to conduct research regarding VLM (agent) for 3D perception. Please send an email to [email protected] with your CV if you are interested! 🔥
  • [2024-09-04] VLM-Grounder has been accepted by CoRL 2024! 🎉

📋 Contents

🔍 Overview


Experimental Results

📦 Getting Started


First, clone the repository with submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd VLM-Grounder

To ensure compatibility, please use the following specific versions of the submodules:

  • Grounding-DINO-1.5-API @ 414e737
  • pats @ 98d2e03

Environment Setup

This project is tested on Python 3.10.11:

conda create -n "vlm-grounder" python=3.10.11
conda activate vlm-grounder

Install PyTorch 2.0.1. For detailed instructions, refer to PyTorch's official page:

conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Then, install the required Python packages and PyTorch3D:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "git+"

SAM-Huge: Download the SAM-Huge weight file from here and place it in the checkpoints/SAM folder.

PATS: For image matching, we use PATS. Download the required weights and place them in the 3rdparty/pats/weights folder.

Install the tensor-resize module:

cd 3rdparty/pats/setup
python install
cd ../../..

The PATS weights folder structure should look like this:

├── data
└── weights

Setup API Keys

1. OpenAI

Set your OpenAI API key in vlm_grounder/utils/

api_key = "your_openai_api_key"  # sk-******

2. Grounding-DINO-1.5-API

If you choose to use Grounding-DINO-1.5, please install Grounding-DINO-1.5-API and set the API key.

Install the Grounding-DINO-1.5-API:

cd 3rdparty/Grounding-DINO-1.5-API
pip install -v -e .
cd ../..

Set the Grounding-DINO-1.5-API key in vlm_grounder/utils/ (you can request it from DeepDataSpace):

api_key = "your_gdino_api_key" 

Data Preparation

Navigate to the dataset folder:

cd data/scannet/

1. Prepare ScanNet Data

Download the ScanNet dataset and organize the data folder structure as follows:

└── scannet
    ├── grounding
    ├── meta_data
    ├── scans  # Place ScanNet data here
    │   ├── scene0000_00
    │   ├── scene0000_01
    │   ...
    └── tools

2. Sample Posed Images

We extract one frame out of every 20, requiring approximately 850 seconds and 27GB of disk space:

python tools/ --frame_skip 20 --nproc 8  # using 8 processes

This will generate the data/scannet/posed_images folder.

3. Generate Dataset Info File

Run the script to batch load ScanNet data:

python tools/

This will export the ScanNet data to the data/scannet/scannet_instance_data folder.

Update the info file with posed images information:

python tools/

Run VLM-Grounder

First, set the path environment variable:

cd path/to/VLMGrounder
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:path/to/VLMGrounder

We release the test data used in our paper in the outputs/query_analysis folder (scanrefer_250.csv and nr3d_250.csv).

1. Download Cached Data

We provide some cached data for our test data to save the cost of running the entire pipeline, which contains:

  1. Exhaustive matching data (containing all ScanRefer validation scenes and scenes in nr3d_250).
  2. GDINO detect results (containing GDINO 1.5 pro detect results in scanrefer_250 and nr3d_250).
  3. Global cache folder (containing category_judger, new detections, and query_analysis results for scanrefer_250 and nr3d_250).

Cached data folder structure:

└── scannet
    └── scannet_match_data
        └── exhaustive_matching.pkl # Exhaustive matching data

├── global_cache # Global cache folder
│   ├── category_judger
│   ├── gdino_cache
│   └── query_analysis_v2
└── image_instance_detector # GDINO detect results
    ├── Grounding-DINO-1_nr3d_test_top250_pred_target_classes
    └── Grounding-DINO-1_scanrefer_test_top250_pred_target_classes

If you want to use new data, please refer to the following steps 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to prepare data. If you want to use our test data, jump to step 7 directly.

2. Prepare ScanRefer Data

Convert ScanRefer to the Referit3D format:

python data/scannet/tools/ --input_json_path data/scannet/grounding/scanrefer/ScanRefer_filtered_val.json --output_csv_path data/scannet/grounding/referit3d/*.csv

Subsample the CSV file for quick experiments:

python vlm_grounder/utils/ --csv_file data/scannet/grounding/referit3d/*.csv --sample_num 250

Calculate the fine-grained categories (e.g., Unique, Easy, VD):

python data/scannet/tools/ --vg_file data/scannet/grounding/referit3d/*.csv

3. Exhaustive Matching in the Scene

Use PATS to obtain exhaustive matching data:

python vlm_grounder/tools/ --vg_file data/scannet/grounding/referit3d/*.csv

This will generate data/scannet/scannet_match_data/exhaustive_matching.pkl, containing exhaustive matching data for each scene. Please note this process can take a long time (~20 minutes per scene).

Note: Using cached data provided in step 1 may save some time.

4. Query Analysis

Run the QueryAnalysis module to analyze each query and get the predicted target class and conditions:

python vlm_grounder/tools/ --vg_file data/scannet/grounding/referit3d/*_relations.csv

The output will be in the outputs/query_analysis folder. Predicted target class accuracy typically exceeds 98%.

5. Instance Detection

Run the ImageInstanceDetector module to detect target class objects for each image. You can use Yolov8-world or Grounding-DINO-1.5-Pro for object detection. If using YOLO, checkpoints/yolov8_world/ will be downloaded automatically:

python vlm_grounder/tools/ --vg_file outputs/query_analysis/*.csv --chunk_size -1 --detector [yolo|gdino]

Output results will be in the outputs/image_instance_detector folder.

Note: If using gdino, ensure your quota is sufficient as this operation is quota-intensive. Using cached data provided in step 1 may save some time and quota.

6. View Pre-Selection

Run the ViewPreSelection module to locate all images containing the predicted target class. This process takes about 0.7 seconds per sample:

python vlm_grounder/tools/ --vg_file outputs/query_analysis/*.csv --det_file outputs/image_instance_detector/*/chunk*/detection.pkl

A new CSV file will be produced in the QueryAnalysis output directory, with the suffix _with_images_selected_diffconf_and_pkl appended.

7. VLM Grounding

Run the VisualGrounder module. Intermediate results with visualization will be saved in outputs/visual_grounding.

A sample script is provided for ease, which can be modified to change parameters. Please change the VG_FILE, DET_INFO, MATCH_INFO, DATE, and EXP_NAME variables accordingly.

Note: The sampled data tested in the paper is at outputs/query_analysis/nr3d_250.csv and outputs/query_analysis/scanrefer_250.csv.

source ~/.zshrc

# Initial visual grounding





python ./vlm_grounder/grounder/ \
  --from_scratch \
  --post_process_component \
  --post_process_erosion \
  --use_sam_huge \
  --use_bbox_prompt \
  --vg_file_path ${VG_FILE} \
  --exp_name ${DATE}_${EXP_NAME} \
  --prompt_version ${PROMPT_VERSION} \
  --openaigpt_type ${GPT_TYPE} \
  --skip_bbox_selection_when1 \
  --det_info_path ${DET_INFO} \
  --matching_info_path ${MATCH_INFO} \
  --use_new_detections \
  --dynamic_stitching \
  --online_detector [yolo|gdino]

8. Nr3D Evaluation

For Nr3D, we need to match the predicted bbox with the gt bbox before evaluation. We provide 3 evaluation methods: 2D IoU, GT Bbox IoU, and GT Bbox Distance.

  • GT Bbox Distance: Choose the GT bbox with the smallest distance to the predicted bbox, which is used for Nr3D in the paper.
  • GT Bbox IoU: Choose the GT bbox with the highest IoU with the predicted bbox.
  • 2D IoU: Use 2d mask to compute IoU for evaluation.
python vlm_grounder/eval/ --method [2d_iou|gtbbox_iou|gtbbox_dist] --exp_dir 

Note that to use 2D IoU matching, you need to unzip the {scene_id} files from the ScanNet dataset before running the evaluation.


Some unused features have been temporarily left in the codes. They were relevant during the development phase but are not related to the final results. You can ignore them. If you encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue at any time.

🔗 Citation

If you find our work and this codebase helpful, please consider starring this repo 🌟 and cite:

  title={VLM-Grounder: A VLM Agent for Zero-Shot 3D Visual Grounding},
  author={Xu, Runsen and Huang, Zhiwei and Wang, Tai and Chen, Yilun and Pang, Jiangmiao and Lin, Dahua},

📄 License

Creative Commons License
This work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

👏 Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Tianhe Ren and Lei Zhang from The International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA) for providing access to the excellent Grounding DINO-1.5 model and Junjie Ni from Zhejiang University for the help with PATS.