Swift wrapper for Google's Differential Privacy Project via an Objective-C++ bridge.
- Bazel Build
- C++ -> Objective-C -> Swift
- Xcodegen Project
- clang-format
- fastlane
- Carrot Hello World
- GitHub CI Unit Tests
- OCDP Objective-C Wrapper Framework
- SwiftDP Wrapper Framework
- Cocopods Support
- Carthage Support
- SwiftPM Support
- Native iOS Example
- React Native Example
- Flutter Example
- Xcode
- Brew
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
- Bazel
$ brew tap bazelbuild/tap
$ brew install bazelbuild/tap/bazel
- XcodeGen
$ brew install xcodegen
- clang-format
$ brew install clang-format
There is a start script which will fetch the bazel dependencies build the framework and create an xcode project for use in development.
$ ./start.sh
$ ./build_framework.sh
All development can be done inside of xcode. We have the Objective-C source code linked a dummy framework to allow for "Jump to Definition" as well as the google absl and dp libraries linked but with no target membership to make it easy to navigate the source.
$ cd xcode
$ xcodegen generate
Open SwiftDP-App.xcodeproj and add your Team Signing Identity and hit run.
$ bazel clean --expunge
Show which architectures are available:
$ lipo -info ./bazel-bin/src/SwiftDP_archive-root/SwiftDP.framework/SwiftDP
$ otool -hv -arch all $FILENAME
We are using the namespace OCDP in the Objective-C code.
We plan to use NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE and NS_SWIFT_NAME to selectively expose and rename the Objective-C API to Swift.
We have a utility library of functions which help converting from C++ to Objective-C and back as needed.
The file is called DPUtil.mm and has no header, which allows it to freely mix C++ and Objective-C into the frankencode that is Objective-C++.
To make the file available for import its listed in the Bazel BUILD objc_library hdrs.
Mark types with nonnull if you want to return an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional (IOU) in Swift.
- (nonnull instancetype) initWithEpsilon: (double) epsilon; // return ! IUO
To mark as optional use nullable:
- (nullable instancetype) initWithEpsilon: (double) epsilon; // return ? Optional
Hide unused init / new:
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; // disable default initializers
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; // disable default new aka [[NSObject alloc] init]
- Templates
- C++ auto in range-based for-loops
- Categories
- Objective-C++ .mm files
- isMemberOfClass
- isKindOfClass
- Protocols
- Light-weight Generics
These links have really useful patterns and ideas on ways to mix C++ and Objective-C in novel ways.