>> See the Github site for the complete project overview and finalized documenation: openfn.github.io/primero-progres/
OpenFn documentation for interoperability interagency referrals exchange solution in Gambella, Ethiopia. See below for the Implementation Checklist.
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- Always work on a branch!
- Please test all changes on the
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branch may have additional logs for troubleshooting and testing assistance.
- Design POCs identified?
- Business value articulated? Link: Draft SRD document
- User Stories documented?
- User flow diagrams finalized? Link: Draft Visio Diagrams
- Mappings specs - first draft signed off by business owners. See Gambella mapping specs.
- Primero API confirmed? Primero API v2 docs & language-primero
- Access to system dev/test environments?
Primero Demo Gambella
site - API authentication tested?
- Progres API developed?
- Access to system dev/test environments?
- API authentication tested?
- APIs tested? DTP API Endpoints: https://antirrio.azure-api.net/primero-uat/ReceiveIncomingReferral https://antirrio.azure-api.net/primero-uat/ReceiveDecisionOutgoingReferral
- Primero UX documentated? See Slides on UX & Data Entry Steps
- System Data Flow diagrams finalized? See Diagrams
- Technical specifications finalized? See links
- Finalize Mapping specs v2 (with transformation rules, technical specs) finalized? See Gambella mapping specs.
- Assumptions documented? (re: human workflows, data entry, consent, other criteria)
- Testing plan drafted
- OpenFn job triggers confirmed?
Proges--> Primero: message filter
trigger (event-based): DTP to send notifications to OpenFn Inbox.
Primero --> Progres: timer (cron)
trigger: Every X hours, OpenFn to send GET HTTP request to Primero to check for new data.
- Dating sharing agreement finalized? Link: ______
- Security configuration & logging specs sign-off (what information can we log in OpenFn?)
- Deployment: SaaS
- Configuration: OpenFn
- Maintenance: Software maintenance, security updates, etc. - confirm roles & responsibilities across systems
- OpenFn administrator users & access levels confirmed?
- Support POCs identified for Primero?
- Support POCs identified for Progres?
- How are UNHCR cases eventually closed if related referrals are rejected. Do we keep these cases open over time?
- Manual process for scenarios where child revokes consent --> how is the other system notified?
- Documentation on how to localize mappings for every country implementation for:
,protection concerns
, Primero focal pointusername
, Progresbusiness units
- Documentation on Focal Point users setup in Primero (e.g.,
- UNICEF Primero updates on services will not be shared with UNHCR/Progres in this first phase, only the original referral request.
- If UNICEF Primero user revokes consent for a case, then a manual SOP will be determined for communicating that with UNHCR. The interoperability solution will not communicate this change in case.
- The exchange of only 4 service types (a.k.a. "intervention types") will be supported between agencies. See mapping here. Primero and Progres users must be trained to NOT send other service types in interagency referral requests.
- ...