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Map sources configuration

albanmartel edited this page May 6, 2014 · 1 revision

h1. Map sources configuration


This page shows how to manage map sources for the administration panel.


  1. Open the administration panel (http:///synthese3/admin/)
  2. Open the Geographie module in the tree
  3. Open the Fonds de carte link in the tree or in the module page
  4. The screen shows the list of available map sources

New map source declaration

OpenStreetMap source

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) source is present in SYNTHESE by default. If removed, it will be re-created at the next reboot.

To add manually an OSM map source, in the last row of the table of the map sources screen :

  1. Type a name for the map source in the Nom field (eg : OSM)
  2. Choose OSM in the Type field
  3. Choose 900913 Spherical Mercator Projection in the Projection field
  4. Click on the Ajouter button


To add a WMS map source, in the last row of the table of the map sources screen :

  1. Type a name for the map source in the Nom field (eg : My WMS)
  2. Choose WMS in the Type field
  3. Choose the projection used by the WMS server (often 4326 WGS 84) in the Projection field
  4. Click on the Ajouter button
  5. In the next screen, type the full URL of the WMS server (containing the definition of the layers to use) in the URL field
  6. Click on the Enregistrer les modifications button

IGN Géoportail

Prerequisites : obtain a valid Géoportail API key on the IGN website

To add a IGN map source, in the last row of the table of the map sources screen :

  1. Type a name for the map source in the Nom field (eg : IGN Géoportail)
  2. Choose IGN Géoportail in the Type field
  3. Click on the Ajouter button
  4. In the next screen, type the API key in the URL field
  5. Click on the Enregistrer les modifications button

Note : the projection used by IGN Géoportail is 4258. The custom projection field is ignored.

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