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welcome to onesignal-ngx πŸ‘‹

Version Documentation Maintenance Twitter: onesignal

This is a JavaScript module that can be used to easily include OneSignal code in a website that uses Angular for its front-end codebase.

OneSignal is the world's leader for Mobile Push Notifications, Web Push, and In-App Messaging. It is trusted by 2 million+ businesses to send 9 billion Push Notifications per day.

You can find more information on OneSignal here.

Upgrading from Version 1? See our migration guide to get started.




yarn add onesignal-ngx


npm install --save onesignal-ngx

Library setup

import { OneSignal } from 'onesignal-ngx';

Initialize OneSignal with your appId via the options parameter:

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'angular-example-app';

  constructor(private oneSignal: OneSignal) {
      appId: "8e7fe838-fbcd-4152-980d-32565a2dcf03",

The init function returns a promise that resolves when OneSignal is loaded.


await this.oneSignal.init({ appId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' });
// do other stuff
this.oneSignal.init({ appId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' }).then(() => {
  // do other stuff

Init Options

You can pass other options to the init function. Use these options to configure personalized prompt options, auto-resubscribe, and more (full list of initialization options).

Expand to see more options
Property Name Type Description
appId string The ID of your OneSignal app.
autoRegister boolean (optional) Whether or not to automatically register the user.
autoResubscribe boolean (optional) Whether or not to automatically resubscribe the user.
path string (optional) The path to the OneSignal service worker file.
serviceWorkerPath string (optional) The path to the OneSignal service worker script.
serviceWorkerUpdaterPath string (optional) The path to the OneSignal service worker updater script.
subdomainName string (optional) The subdomain of your OneSignal app.
allowLocalhostAsSecureOrigin boolean (optional) Whether or not to allow localhost as a secure origin.
requiresUserPrivacyConsent boolean (optional) Whether or not the user's consent is required.
persistNotification boolean (optional) Whether or not notifications should persist.
notificationClickHandlerMatch string (optional) The URL match pattern for notification clicks.
notificationClickHandlerAction string (optional) The action to perform when a notification is clicked.
welcomeNotification object (optional) The welcome notification configuration.
notifyButton object (optional) The notify button configuration.
promptOptions object (optional) Additional options for the subscription prompt.
webhooks object (optional) The webhook configuration.
[key: string] any Additional properties can be added as needed.

Service Worker Params You can customize the location and filenames of service worker assets. You are also able to specify the specific scope that your service worker should control. You can read more here.

In this distribution, you can specify the parameters via the following:

Field Details
serviceWorkerParam Use to specify the scope, or the path the service worker has control of. Example: { scope: "/js/push/onesignal/" }
serviceWorkerPath The path to the service worker file.


   appId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
   serviceWorkerParam: {
     scope: '<path scope>'
   serviceWorkerPath: '<path>'

Service Worker File

If you haven't done so already, you will need to add the OneSignal Service Worker file to your site (learn more).

The OneSignal SDK file must be publicly accessible. You can put it in your top-level root or a subdirectory. However, if you are placing the file not on top-level root make sure to specify the path via the service worker params in the init options (see section above).

Tip: Visit in the address bar to make sure the file is being served successfully.

Troubleshooting: If you uploaded the file but you cannot access it via your browser search bar, make sure you have told Angular about it via the assets param in your angular.json file.


This package includes Typescript support.

class OneSignal {
	Slidedown: IOneSignalSlidedown;
	Notifications: IOneSignalNotifications;
	Session: IOneSignalSession;
	User: IOneSignalUser;
	Debug: IOneSignalDebug;
	login(externalId: string, jwtToken?: string): Promise<void>;
	logout(): Promise<void>;
	init(options: IInitObject): Promise<void>;
	setConsentGiven(consent: boolean): Promise<void>;
	setConsentRequired(requiresConsent: boolean): Promise<void>;

OneSignal API

See the official OneSignal WebSDK reference for information on all available SDK functions.

Advanced Usage

Events and Event Listeners

Use listeners to react to OneSignal-related events:

Notifications Namespace

Event Name Callback Argument Type
'click' NotificationClickEvent
'foregroundWillDisplay' NotificationForegroundWillDisplayEvent
'dismiss' NotificationDismissEvent
'permissionChange' boolean
'permissionPromptDisplay' void

Slidedown Namespace

Event Name Callback Argument Type
'slidedownShown' boolean

Push Subscription Namespace

Event Name Callback Argument Type
'change' boolean


this.oneSignal.Notifications.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
  console.log("The notification was clicked!", event);

See the OneSignal WebSDK Reference for more info on the available event listeners.


Service Worker Issues

Check the serviceWorker flag

In your angular.json, see if the serviceWorker flag is set to true. The flag is used to cause the production build to include some extra service worker files that will conflict with the OneSignal worker if they use the same scope. If your web app depends on this flag being true and hence the Angular service worker (ngsw-worker.js) like in PWA setups, you should customize your OneSignal service worker integration to use a different scope than the Angular service worker. Otherwise, they will conflict. This can be done using the service worker OneSignal initialization params documented above. Click for further details.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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πŸ“ License

Copyright Β© 2023 OneSignal.
This project is MIT licensed.
