- Create a folder and name it whatever you like
- Move the Game.py in the folder
Load Bots - Loads the agents written in python, which are in the same directory
Setup - Initializes game settings according to selected options
Start - Runs the game once and displays the results
Test - Runs the game the number of times given in the entry box and displays the statistics
Combo boxes - Agents for both players
Board Size - This should be an even number
The are 2 players; X and O.
Players should make chains of 3 and more. Horizontal, vertical and diagonal.
Longer chains give more points. For every length of chain, the score is calculated by sum(range(3, length+1)):
The code that calculates the score:
# gets chain length from coordiantes
length = max(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) + 1
# increases the total score
score += sum(range(3, length+1))
for 3 the score is 3
for 4 the score is 3 + 4 = 7
for 5 the score is 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
for 6 the score is 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18
The code written must be in python and should follow the rules:
Should include a class. Class name should be the same as the file name
Init method must have three inputs, first being the empty slot id, second being the player id and third being the opponent id.
Example code:
def __init__(self, empty, me, opponent):
self.empty = empty
self.me = me
self.opponent = opponent
# board will be updated by the game
self.board = []
- There should also be a play() method. This method will be called by the Game.py at each turn. It should return x, y coordinates as its next move.
Example code:
def play(self): # Randomized Bot
# Make sure the result is random
self.seed += 1
# Create a range
rng = range(len(self.board))
# A list for empty slots
slots = []
for x in rng:
for y in rng:
if self.board[x][y] == self.empty:
slots.append((x, y))
# Return a random choice from the list of empty slots
return random.choice(slots)
When you are done, move your code to Game.pyw folder.
You can use the RandomBot.py as a template.