Abo Mota Clinic is a full-stack, fully featured virtual clinic platform made with the MERN stack. Abo Mota Clinic aims to easily connect patients to high quality healthcare professionals, as well as provide an opportunity for doctors of all disciplines to practice their craft and communicate constantly with their patients to offer the best online healthcare experience possible.
- The project is currently in development.
- A CI/CD pipeline needs to be implemented.
- The project needs to be deployed through cloud services.
- The project needs a robust unit test suite made with frameworks such as Jest.
- A message broker needs to be added to the application to handle asynchronous tasks such as sending emails and notifications.
- Adding types to complex parts in the codebase by transitioning to Typescript.
- Additional features are currently under development.
- Form validation and additional loading indicators should be developed more strongly, uniformly, and in a reusable manner in the frontend.
- Eslint : in the backend and the frontend to write the most optimum clean code possible and to define rules for the team to be able to write code in the same code style
- Prettier : it is a code formatter that runs automatically before each commit on the whole code so that the codes looks well formatted across the whole project
- Backend: Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Socket.io, Nodemailer
- Frontend: React.js, Material-UI, Ant ,Redux , Socket.io, Tailwind
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT
- APIs: Stripe
- Development tools: Postman, Git, GitHub
As a Guest I can
- Register as a patient with username, name, email, password, date of birth, gender, mobile number, and emergency contact.
- Submit a request to register as a doctor with username, name, email, password, date of birth, hourly rate, hospital affiliation, and educational background.
- Upload and submit required documents for doctor registration such as ID, medical licenses, and medical degree.
As a Patient I can
- Upload and remove my medical history documents.
- Add family members with their details.
- Link another patient's account as a family member.
- Pay for my appointment using my wallet or credit card.
- Enter credit card details and pay for an appointment using Stripe.
- View registered family members.
- View and filter appointments by date/status.
- View uploaded health records.
- Subscribe to health packages for myself and my family members.
- Choose payment methods for health packages.
- View the status and manage the subscription of my health care package.
- Cancel the subscription of a health package.
- View a list of all doctors with their specialty and session price.
- Search for doctors by name and/or specialty.
- Filter doctors by specialty and/or availability.
- Select a doctor from search/filter results and view their full details.
- View all available appointments of a selected doctor.
- Select an appointment date and time.
- View a list of all my upcoming and past appointments.
- Filter appointments by date or status.
- Reschedule an appointment.
- Cancel an appointment.
- Request a follow-up to a previous appointment.
- view all new and old prescriptions and their statuses (filled/ not filled)
- view health package options and details
- view subscribed health package for myself and my family members (if any)
- receive a notification of my appointment on the system and by mail
- Receive a refund in my wallet when an appointment is canceled.
As a Doctor I can
- Edit my email, hourly rate, or hospital affiliation.
- View and accept the employment contract.
- Add available time slots for appointments.
- View information and health records of patients registered with me.
- Search for a patient by name.
- Filter patients based on upcoming appointments.
- Select a patient from the list.
- Reschedule appointments for patients.
- Schedule follow-up for a patient.
- Add/delete medicine to/from the prescription from the pharmacy platform.
- Add/update dosage for each medicine added to the prescription.
- Add new health records for a patient.
- Add a patient's prescription.
- Update a patient's prescription before it's submitted to the pharmacy.
- Accept or revoke a follow-up session request from a patient.
- view information and health records of patient registered with me
- view a list of all my patients
As an Administrator I can
- Add another administrator with a set username and password.
- Remove a doctor/patient/administrator from the system.
- View all information uploaded by a doctor to apply to join the platform.
- Accept or reject the request of a doctor to join the platform.
- Add/update/delete health packages with different price ranges.
Common Features for Doctor/Patient
- View cart items and manage them.
- view all new and old prescriptions and their statuses (filled/ not filled)
- Pay directly for prescription items with wallet or credit card.
- Download selected prescription (PDF).
- Start/end a video call with the doctor/patient.
- View the amount in my wallet.
- Chat with a doctor/patient.
- view a list of all my upcoming / past appointments
- filter appointments by date or status.
- cancel an appointment for myself or for a family member
- receive a notification that my appointment is cancelled or rescheduled on the system and by mail
- receive a notification of my appointment on the system and by mail
Common Features for Doctor/Patient/Administrator
- Login and logout of the system.
- Change my password.
- Reset a forgotten password through OTP sent to email.
Get Prescription Controller
const getPrescriptions = async (req, res) => {
try {
const username = req.userData.username;
const { _id } = await Patient.findOne({ username });
const prescriptions = await Prescription.find({ patient: _id }).populate([
path: "medicines.medicine",
model: "Medicine",
path: "doctor",
model: "Doctor",
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: error.message });
Appointments Model
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const appointmentSchema = new Schema(
date: Date,
status: {
type: String,
enum: ["completed", "upcoming", "cancelled", "unbooked", "rescheduled"],
default: "unbooked",
doctor: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Doctor",
patient: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
default: null,
ref: "ClinicPatient",
pricePaid: {
type: Number,
default: null,
{ toJSON: { virtuals: true } }
const options = {
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
hour12: true,
appointmentSchema.virtual("formattedDate").get(function () {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", options).format(this.date);
const Appointment = mongoose.model("Appointment", appointmentSchema);
module.exports = Appointment;
Admin Routes
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
const {
} = require("../controllers/adminController");
const authorize = require("../middlewares/authorization");
// View All Packages
router.get("/packages", authorize, getPackages);
// Update Package
router.patch("/packages/:id", authorize, updatePackage);
// Add Package
router.post("/packages", authorize, addPackage);
// Delete Package
router.delete("/packages/:id", authorize, deletePackage);
// Get all doctor applications
router.get("/applications", authorize, getApplications);
// View doctor application info
router.get("/applications/:id", authorize, getApplicationInfo);
// Handle doctor application
router.patch("/applications/:id", authorize, handleApplication);
// Add an admin
router.post("/admins", authorize, addAdmin);
// Delete a specific Admin
router.delete("/admins", authorize, deleteAdmin);
// Delete a specific patient
router.delete("/patients", authorize, deletePatient);
// Delete a specific doctor
router.delete("/doctors", authorize, deleteDoctor);
// Change Password
router.patch("/changePassword", authorize, changePassword);
module.exports = router;
Authorization middleware
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const authToken = (req, res, next) => {
console.log("COOKIES", req.cookies);
const token = req.cookies.jwt;
if (token) {
jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET, (err, userData) => {
if (err)
return res
.json({ message: "Unauthorized", isLoggedIn: false, error: err.message });
req.userData = userData; //userData is the payload included in the token
const userType = userData.userType;
//check if the user type allowed for the current route
if (userType === "admin" && req.baseUrl.includes("/admin")) {
} else if (
userType === "doctor" &&
(req.baseUrl.includes("/doctor") || req.baseUrl.includes("/common"))
else if (
userType === "patient" &&
(req.baseUrl.includes("/patient") ||
req.baseUrl.includes("/stripe") ||
else return res.status(403).json({ message: "Forbidden" });
} else {
res.status(500).json({ message: "Unauthorized", isLoggedIn: false });
module.exports = authToken;
Patient Profile Page
import PersonalInfoSection from "../components/PersonalInfoSection";
import EmergencyContactCard from "../components/EmergencyContactCard";
import FileUploadSection from "../../shared/pages/FileUploadSection";
import { useFetchPatientQuery } from "../../store";
import ChangePasswordSection from "../../shared/pages/ChangePasswordSection";
function Profile() {
const { data, error, isFetching } = useFetchPatientQuery();
return (
<div className="bg-gray-100 p-8 w-full space-y-8">
{isFetching || (
<div className="max-w-6xl mx-auto bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md p-5">
<div className="p-5 border-gray-200">
<h2 className="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900">Patient Profile</h2>
<PersonalInfoSection patient={data} />
<div className="flex flex-wrap -mx-3 md:mx-6">
<div className="w-full md:w-1/2 px-3 md:px-6 py-4">
<ChangePasswordSection isAdmin />
<EmergencyContactCard patient={data} />
<div className="w-full md:w-1/2 px-3 md:px-6 py-4">
<FileUploadSection files={data.medicalHistory} medicalHistory />
<FileUploadSection files={data.healthRecords} />
export default Profile;
App sidebar
import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem, SubMenu } from "react-pro-sidebar";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
export default function SideBar({ open, links }) {
// Assuming the navbar height is set as a CSS variable --navbar-height
const sidebarStyle = {
height: `calc(100vh - var(--navbar-height))`, // Adjust var(--navbar-height) accordingly
overflowY: "auto", // Add scroll to sidebar if contents exceed its height
return (
<div style={sidebarStyle}>
<div style={{ padding: "1rem", display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
<h2 className="text-[var(--text-color-primary)] font-semibold">Abo Mota Clinic</h2>
button: ({ level, active, disabled }) => {
if (level === 0)
return {
color: disabled ? "#f5d9ff" : "#FFFFFF",
backgroundColor: active ? "#232232" : undefined,
":hover": {
backgroundColor: "#add8e6",
color: "#000000",
{links.map((link, index) => {
return (
<Link key={index} to={link.to}>
<MenuItem icon={link.logo}>{link.name}</MenuItem>
Login Form
import KimoButton from "../../Components/KimoButton";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Input from "../../Components/InputField";
import logo from "../../../shared/assets/logo.png";
import * as yup from "yup";
import { Formik } from "formik";
import LoadingIndicator from "../../Components/LoadingIndicator";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import "./styles.css";
import { useLoginMutation, login } from "../../../store";
import ForgetPasswordScreen from "../ForgetPasswordScreen";
import OtpScreen from "../OtpScreen";
import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import FormErrorDialog from "../../Components/FormErrorDialog";
const LoginForm = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [forgetPassword, setForgetPassword] = useState(false);
const [otpOpen, setOtpOpen] = useState(false);
const navigate = useNavigate();
const [loginMutation, results] = useLoginMutation();
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (results.isError) {
}, [results]);
const handleSubmit = async (values, { resetForm }) => {
const user = {
username: values.username,
password: values.password,
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
try {
const result = await loginMutation(user).unwrap();
// Use the result for navigation or other side effects
if (result.userType === "patient") {
dispatch(login({ role: "patient" })); // Dispatch login action with role
} else if (result.userType === "doctor") {
dispatch(login({ role: "doctor" })); // Dispatch login action with role
} else if (result.userType === "admin") {
dispatch(login({ role: "admin" })); // Dispatch login action with role
resetForm({ values: "" });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to login:", error);
} finally {
const forgetPasswordOnClick = () => {
console.log("forget password");
const UserForm = (
{(formik) => (
<form onSubmit={formik.handleSubmit}>
<div className='form-container'>
<div className='form-container'>
<div className='submit-add-medicine-button-container'>
isLoading ? (
<LoadingIndicator />
) : (
// <Link to='medicine'>
<KimoButton type='submit'>Log in</KimoButton>
// </Link>
return (
<div className='login-div'>
<div className='login-portal'>
<div className='login-part'>
<div className='login-logo-div'>
{" "}
<img className='login-logo' src={logo} alt='logo' />{" "}
{/_ <Header header="Welcome Back!" type="login-header" /> _/}
<p className='login-word'>Login</p>
<div className='flex justify-between mr-8 ml-8'>
<div className='flex space-x-4'>
onClick={() => {
}} >
Register as Doctor?
onClick={() => {
}} >
Register as Patient?
onClick={() => {
}} >
Forget Password?
{forgetPassword && (
closeForm={() => {
goToOtp={() => {
{otpOpen && (
closeForm={() => {
setClose={() => {
const UserSchema = yup.object().shape({
username: yup
.string("Invalid username")
.required("Please enter a valid username"),
password: yup
.min(8, "Password must be at least 8 characters long")
.matches(/[a-zA-Z]/, "Password must contain at least one letter")
.matches(/[0-9]/, "Password must contain at least one number")
.required("Please enter a valid password"),
const initialUserValues = {
username: "",
password: "",
export default LoginForm;
git clone https://github.com/advanced-computer-lab-2023/Abo-Mota-Clinic.git
cd Abo-Mota-Clinic
cd client
npm install
cd backend
npm install
Check out our API Documentation on Postman by clicking here.
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/registerPatient
- Description: Registers a new patient.
- Controller:
- Handles patient registration.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description name
string Patient's name username
string User's username nationalId
string National ID password
string Account password email
string Email address dob
date Date of Birth mobile
number Phone Number gender
string Gender (male or female) emergencyContact.name
string Emergency contact's name emergencyContact.mobile
string Emergency contact's mobile emergencyContact.relation
string Relation to emergency contact
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/registerDoctor
- Description: Registers a new doctor with file uploads for credentials.
- Controller:
- Manages doctor registration and file uploads.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description name
string Patient's name username
string User's username nationalId
file National ID File password
string Account password email
string Email address dob
date Date of Birth specialty
string Specialty like (heart, etc.) educationalBackground
string Educational Background affiliation
string Affiliation of Dr. specialty
string Specialty of Dr. mobile
number Phone Number gender
string Gender (male or female) medicalLicense
file Medical license file medicalDegree
file Medical degree file
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/otp
- Description: Requests a new OTP for password reset.
- Controller:
- Requests OTP for password reset.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description email
string Email address
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/forgotPassword
- Description: Reset forgotten passwords.
- Controller:
- Resets forgotten passwords.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description email
string Email address otp
string OTP code newPassword
string New password
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/login
- Description: Authenticates a user and logs them in.
- Controller:
- Handles user login.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string User's username password
string Account password
- Endpoint:
POST /api/guest/logout
- Description: Logs out the current user.
- Controller:
- Logs out the user.
- Endpoint:
GET /api/stripe/config
- Description: Retrieves Stripe configuration details.
- Controller:
- Returns Stripe publishable key.
- Endpoint:
POST /api/stripe/create-payment-intent
- Description: Creates a new payment intent for Stripe transactions.
- Controller:
- Stripe Payment Intent Creation.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description beneficiary
string Description of beneficiary amount
number Transaction amount in USD
- Endpoint:
GET /api/common/message
- Description: Retrieves messages for a user and certain recipient.
- Controller:
- Retrieves user-specific messages based on username and recipient.
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description recipient
string Id of the recipient
- Endpoint:
POST /api/common/message
- Description: Sends a new message.
- Controller:
- Sends messages from users, storing sender and recipient info.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description content
string Message content recipient
string Id of the recipient
- Endpoint:
GET /api/common/notifications
- Description: Retrieves notifications for a user.
- Controller:
- Retrieves all notifications for a user.
- Endpoint:
POST /api/common/notification
- Description: Sends a new notification.
- Controller:
- Creates and sends notifications to specified recipients.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description recipientUsername
string Recipient's username recipientType
string Recipient's user type content
string Notification content
- Endpoint:
POST /api/common/send-email
- Description: Sends an email notification.
- Controller:
- Sends email notifications using external email service.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description email
string Recipient email address subject
string Email subject text
string Email body text
- Endpoint:
GET /api/common/loggedIn
- Description: Retrieves information of the logged-in user.
- Controller:
- Retrieves currently logged-in user's details.
- Endpoint:
GET /api/common/contact
- Description: Retrieves a contact's details.
- Controller:
- Fetches details of a specified contact based on ID.
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description contact
string ID of the contact
- Endpoint:
GET /api/common/contacts
- Description: Retrieves users that have been contacted.
- Controller:
- Retrieves users that have been in contact with the requester.
- Endpoint:
GET /api/admin/packages
- Description: Fetches available health packages.
- Controller:
- Retrieves all active health packages.
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/admin/packages/:id
- Description: Modifies an existing package.
- Controller:
- Updates specific health package details.
- Path Parameters (Params):
Parameter Type Description id
string Package identifier
- Endpoint:
POST /api/admin/packages
- Description: Creates a new package.
- Controller:
- Adds a new health package.
- Endpoint:
DELETE /api/admin/packages/:id
- Description: Deactivates a package.
- Controller:
- Soft deletes a health package.
- Path Parameters (Params):
Parameter Type Description id
string Package identifier
- Endpoint:
GET /api/admin/applications
- Description: Retrieves all pending doctor applications.
- Controller:
- Fetches all pending doctor applications.
- Endpoint:
GET /api/admin/applications/:id
- Description: Fetches details of a pending doctor application.
- Controller:
- Views specific pending doctor application details.
- Path Parameters (Params):
Parameter Type Description id
string Doctor identifier
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/admin/applications/:id
- Description: Manages a doctor application.
- Controller:
- Approves or rejects doctor applications.
- Path Parameters (Params):
Parameter Type Description id
string Application identifier - Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description registrationStatus
string status of doctor's application
- Endpoint:
POST /api/admin/admins
- Description: Creates an admin account.
- Controller:
- Registers a new admin user.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of added admin password
string Password of added admin email
string Email of added admin
- Endpoint:
DELETE /api/admin/admins
- Description: Deletes an admin user.
- Controller:
- Removes an admin user.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of removed admin
- Endpoint:
DELETE /api/admin/doctors
- Description: Deletes an approved doctor user.
- Controller:
- Removes an approved doctor user.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of removed doctor
- Endpoint:
DELETE /api/admin/patients
- Description: Deletes a patient user.
- Controller:
- Removes a patient user.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of removed patient
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/admin/changePassword
- Description: Updates logged in admin's password.
- Controller:
- Changes admin user's password.
- Body Parameters:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| string | Old password of current admin| |newPassword
| string | New password of current admin|
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor
- Description: Retrieve the profile of the currently logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Returns doctor user object
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor
- Description: Edit email, rate or affiliation
- Controller:
- Updates logged in doctor's email, rate and affiliation
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description email
string New email of logged in doctor rate
number New rate of logged in doctor affiliation
string New affiliation of logged in doctor
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/appointments
- Description: Retrieve all appointments of currently logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Returns array of all logged in doctor's appointment objects
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/patients
- Description: Retrieve all patients who have or have had appointments with the logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Retrieves an array of objects containing all patients who have had or appointments with the logged in doctor
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/uploadHealthRecord
- Description: Upload health records of a certain patient
- Controller:
- Uploads health record file for a given patient
- Body Paramaters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of patient we wish to upload health record to healthRecord
file Health record file we wish to upload
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/changePassword
- Description: Changes current logged in doctor's password
- Controller:
- Edit password in logged in doctor's account
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description oldPassword
string Current password of logged in doctor newPassword
string Requested new password
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/addFreeAppointmentSlots
- Description: Create free appointments slots for logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Creates free appointments slots based on doctor's requester
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description date
date Date of the appointments slots startTime
string Starting time of first appointment slot endTime
string End time of last appointment slot appointmentDuration
number Duration of each appointment slot in minutes buffer
number Time between each appointment slot in minutes
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/acceptContract
- Description: Accept contract offer from platform to logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Sets contract to approved in logged in doctor's account
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/scheduleFollowUp
- Description: Schedule follow up appointment for a given patient
- Controller:
- Creates a follow up appointment for a given patient
- Body Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
patientUsername |
string | Follow up appointment's patient |
followUpDate |
date | Date and time of the appointment |
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/wallet
- Description: Retrieves balance in wallet of logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Returns amount in logged in doctor's wallet
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/medicines
- Description: Retrieves all medicines that are or were available in the pharmacy
- Controller:
- Returns an array of all medicine objects
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/prescriptions
- Description: Retrieves all prescriptions written by logged in doctor belonging to a specific patient
- Controller:
- Returns all prescriptions belonging to patient specified in query parameters
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description patientId
string ObjectID of patient document we wish to retrieve prescriptions for
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/rescheduleAppointment
- Description: Change the date and time of a specific patients appointment
- Controller:
- Changes the date and time of a given appointment
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description appointmentId
string ObjectID of appointment we wish reschedule newDate
date Date and time we wish to reschedule appointment to
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/cancelAppointments
- Description: Cancels a given appointment belonging to the logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Cancels a specific appointment
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description appointmentID
string ObjectID of appointment to be cancelled
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/addMedToPrescription
- Description: Adds a given medicine and its usage information to a patient's prescription
- Controller:
- Adds a medicine to a patient's prescription
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description prescriptionId
string ObjectID of prescription document to be edited medicineName
string Name of the medicine to be added dosage
number Dosage of the medicine to be added frequency
string How frequently patient should consume the medicine duration
string How long the patient should take the medicine
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/deleteMedFromPrescription
- Description: Deletes a given medicine from a patient's prescription
- Controller:
- Deletes a medicine by given name from the prescription
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description prescriptionId
string ObjectID of prescription we wish to delete from medicineName
string Name of medicine we wish to delete
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/updateMedInPrescription
- Description: Edits medicine details within a given prescription
- Controller:
- Updates the details of a given medicine within a patient's prescription
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description prescriptionId
string ObjectID of prescription document to be edited name
string Name of the medicine to be edited dosage
number Dosage of the medicine frequency
string How frequently patient should consume the medicine duration
string How long the patient should take the medicine
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/addPrescription
- Description: Upload prescription to Database
- Controller: ``addPrescription`
- Creates prescription document with given body parameters
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description medicines
array Array of objects representing medicine and consumption details description
string Descriptions or extra reminders written by the doctor in the prescription patient
string ObjectID of patient who owns this prescription
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/doctor/updateDescription
- Description: Edit description within a patient's prescription
- Controller:
- Changes description within a prescription document
- Body Paramaters:
Parameter Type Description description
string Description in prescription document prescriptionId
string ObjectID of prescription to be edited
- Endpoint:
GET /api/doctor/followUps
- Description: Retrieves follow up requests sent by patients of the logged in doctor
- Controller:
- Retrieves follow up documents of a certain patient and with the logged in doctor's ID
- Endpoint:
POST /api/doctor/handleFollowUp
- Description: Accept or revoke an incoming follow up request sent by a patient to the logged in docto
- Controller:
- Deletes or accepts follow up request document and schedules new appointment if accepted
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description followUpId
string Follow up request ObjectId choice
string The choice of the doctor, can be either "accept" or "revoke"
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/
- Description: Retrieves logged in patient information
- Controller:
- Fetches logged in patient's account object
- Endpoint:
GET api/patient/prescriptions
- Description: Retrieves all prescriptions belonging to logged in patient
- Controller:
- Returns array of prescriptions belonging to the logged in patient
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/family
- Description: Retrieves all family members linked to logged in patient
- Controller:
- Returns array of family members along with their relation to the logged in patient
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/family
- Description: Register logged in patient's family member on the platform
- Controller:
- Registers a family member to the platform and links them to the logged in patient
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description name
string Name of family member email
string Email of family member nationalId
string National ID of family member age
number Age of family member gender
string Gender of the family member, either "male" or "female" relationToPatient
string Relation to the logged in patient, either "wife", "husband" or "child" phoneNumber
string Family Member's phone number username
string Family member's username password
string Family member's password dob
date Family member's date of birth
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/doctors
- Description: Retrieve all approved doctor on the platform
- Controller:
- Returns an array of all doctors on the platform who have been approved and accepted their contract
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/appointments
- Description: Retrieve all logged in patient's appointments
- Controller:
- Returns an array of all appointments belonging to the logged in patient
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/uploadMedicalHistory
- Description: Upload medical history file to logged in patient's account
- Controller:
- Uploads medical history file to patient's document in Database
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description medicalHistory
file Medical history file
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/patient/deleteMedicalHistory/:id
- Description: Deletes a specific medical history file from account of logged in patient
- Controller:
- Deletes medical history based on id passed in Params
- Path Parameters (Params)
Parameter Type Description id
string Medical history file identifier
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/patient/changePassword
- Description: Change password of logged in patient
- Controller:
- Edits password of logged in patient and restores hashed version in Database
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description oldPassword
string Current logged in patient's password newPassword
string New password
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/packages
- Description: Retrieves all available health packages on the platform
- Controller:
- Returns an array of all activated packages on the platform
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/availableAppointments
- Description: Retrieves all available appointments belonging to a certain doctor based on the query string
- Controller:
- Uses doctorId in query string to retrieve all available appointments of that doctor
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description doctorId
string ObjectId of a specific doctor in the database
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/linkFamily
- Description: Link a family member's account to the logged in patient's account
- Controller:
- Links family member's account to patient's and vice versa
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description email
string Email of family member (Either this or mobile) mobile
string Phone Number of family member (Either this or email) relationToPatient
string Family member's relation to patient, either "wife", "husband" or "child"
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/payWallet
- Description: Subtracts deductible amount from logged in patient's wallet
- Controller:
- Decrements wallet balance of logged in patient by deductible in body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description deductible
number Amount to be deducted from logged in patient's wallet
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/patient/creditDoctor
- Description: Credit doctor's wallet with credit amount in body
- Controller:
- Credits a given doctor's wallet depending on the id in the body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description doctor_id
string ObjectId of doctor to credit credit
number Amount to add to doctor's wallet
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/subscribe
- Description: Subscribes receiver patient to a specific health package
- Controller:
- Subscribes a specific patient to a health package depending on the receiver ID passed in the body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description _id
string ObjectId of package we wish to subscribe to receiverId
string ObjectID of patient who will receive the health package
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/myPackage
- Description: Retrieves logged in patient's subscribed health package if it exists
- Controller:
- Returns logged in patient's subscribed health package information
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/familyPackages
- Description: Retrieves all family members' subscribed health packages
- Controller:
- Retrieves an array of all logged in patient's family members and their subscribed packages
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/bookAppointment
- Description: Book an appointment for the patient who's username is given in the body
- Controller:
- Updates selected appointment with patient ID of the patient whose username is in the body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description username
string Username of patient we wish to book an appointment for appointmentId
string ObjectID of appointment we wish to book price
number Final price patient will pay for the appointment
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/wallet
- Description: Retrieves wallet balance of logged in Patient
- Controller:
- Returns balance in logged in patient's wallet
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/cancelMySub
- Description: Cancels logged in patient's health package subscription
- Controller:
- Cancels logged in patients' health package and removes all privileges
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/cancelFamilySub
- Description: Cancels a given family member's health package subscription
- Controller:
- Cancels a given family member's subscribed package depending on the username provided in the body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description familyMemberUsername
string Username of family member to cancel subscription for
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/unsubscribe
- Description: Unsubscribes patient from package but does not remove privileges until expirty date
- Controller:
- Unsubscribes logged in patient from health package but does not revoke priviliges
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/patient/rescheduleAppointment
- Description: Reschedules appointment by setting an available appointment's patient to the logged in patient ID, and also frees up the old appointment
- Controller:
- Sets another appointment's patient to the currently logged in patient's ID and frees up the old rescheduled appointment to be booked by someone else
- Body Parameters
Parameter Type Description oldAppointmentId
string Original appointment ID newAppointmentId
string Appointment ID patient wishes to reschedule to
- Endpoint:
PATCH /api/patient/cancelAppointment
- Description: Cancels appointment belonging to the logged in user
- Controller:
- Sets appointment status to cancelled depending on the appointment ID provided in the body
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description appointmentId
string ID of appointment we wish to cancel
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/followUp
- Description: Sends a follow up appointment request to a doctor
- Controller:
- Given the old appointment Id, sends a follow up appointment request with the new appointment identifier
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description oldAppointmentId
string Patient's original appointment ID newAppointmentId
string Appointment ID patient wishes to follow up with
- Endpoint:
GET /api/patient/familyAppointments
- Description: Retrieves all upcoming or rescheduled family member appointments
- Controller:
- Returns an array of all upcoming or rescheduled appointments belonging to logged in patient's
- Endpoint:
POST /api/patient/prescription
- Description: Orders medicines in patient's prescriptions from pharmacy platform
- Controller:
- Creates an order in the pharmacy with the contents of the logged in patient's prescription
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description prescriptionId
string ObjectId of prescription we wish to order
The testing is done using Postman
. Below you can see some tests. For more tests see the api documenatation above in the API reference section.
Example Testing get Packages
pm.test("Response status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("Prescriptions and appointments have valid date format", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
responseData.prescriptions.forEach(function(prescription) {
… const responseData = pm.response.json();
Example Testing Login
pm.test("Response status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("Response has the required fields - message, token, and userType", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
pm.expect(responseData.userType).to.be.oneOf(['admin', 'guest', 'customer']);
Example Testing Request OTP
pm.test("Response status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("Email is in a valid format", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
pm.expect(responseData.email).to.match(/^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/, "Email format is invalid");
Example Testing Get Family Members
pm.test("Response status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("Content type is application/json", function () {
pm.test("Emergency contact object is present in the response", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
responseData.forEach(function(patient) {
pm.test("HealthPackage object is present with required fields", function () {
const responseData = pm.response.json();
responseData.forEach(function(patient) {
cd client
cd src
npm start
The client server will run on http://localhost:3000.
cd backend
nodemon server.js
Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing.md
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
- Mongoose docs
- MongoDB docs
- Express docs
- ReactJs docs
- Redux docs
- NodeJs docs
- Ant Design website
- Material UI website
- Stripe docs
- MERN Youtube
- Stripe Youtube
- Sockets.io docs
- Tailwind docs
- Formik docs
- React pro sidebar
- React Router
Portions of this software utilize Stripe, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. You can find the details of this license here.
The rest of the software is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.