Configuration | Status |
Windows Installer | |
Linux AppImage | |
MacOs Dmg | |
Android Apk | |
iOs Ipa | |
Wasm |
QaterialGallery is a showcase application and contains example for the library Qaterial . It is still under development. This library is hard fork of previous library QQuickMaterialHelper.
This project also showcase multiplatform deployment with Qt.
QaterialGallery is a cross platform application that can be build natively or cross compiled. Qt precompiled binary are required and can be download from the official website. Then simply use the qt manager to install the toolchain that you need. Minimum Qt version is 5.12
To build the application for windows it is required to already be on a windows machine. It is recommended to export the path as global variable.
export QT_WIN_VERSION=5.12.0
export QT_DIR_MINGW32=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/mingw53_32
export QT_DIR_MINGW64=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/mingw53_64
export QT_DIR_MSVC32=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION1/msvc2017_32
export QT_DIR_MSVC64=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/msvc2017_64
Then simply clone the repository and create an in source build folder.
git clone
cd QaterialGallery && mkdir build && cd build
MinGw 32 bits - Make
-G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$QT_BUILD_TYPE path/to/CMakeLists/
MinGw 64 bits - Ninja
-G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$QT_BUILD_TYPE path/to/CMakeLists/
Msvc 32 bits (Default)
-G "Visual Studio 15 2017" path/to/CMakeLists/
Msvc 64 bits
-G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" path/to/CMakeLists/
- Android SDK Tools
- The Android NDK If installing Android Studio ndk comes with the SDK in
. - Java SE Development Kit (JDK) v6 or later. You can also use OpenJDK on Linux.
You need to the following environment variable to be set.
: Path to the Android Sdk.ANDROID_NDK
: Path to the Android NdkJAVA_HOME
: Path to the Java (mainly to use the jarsigner utility).
To build the application for windows it is required to already be on a windows machine. It is recommended to export the path as global variable.
export QT_ANDROID_VERSION=5.12.0
## On Windows
export QT_DIR_ARMV7A=C:/Qt/$QT_ANDROID_VERSION/android_armv7
export QT_DIR_ARM64V8A=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION1/android_arm64_v8a
export QT_DIR_X86=C:/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/android_x86
## On UNIX system
export QT_DIR_ARMV7A=Path/To/Qt/$QT_ANDROID_VERSION/android_armv7
export QT_DIR_ARM64V8A=Path/To/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION1/android_arm64_v8a
export QT_DIR_X86=Path/To/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/android_x86
## On macOs
export QT_USER_ID=$(id -un)
export QT_DIR_ARMV7A=/Users/$QT_USER_ID/Qt/$QT_ANDROID_VERSION/android_armv7
export QT_DIR_ARM64V8A=/Users/$QT_USER_ID/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION1/android_arm64_v8a
export QT_DIR_X86=/Users/$QT_USER_ID/Qt/$QT_WIN_VERSION/android_x86
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE can be set to multiple values. Debug | Release | MinSizeRel | RelWithDebInfo.
Tip for windows: If you don't have make installed you can use the one in the ndk:
mkdir build-android-armeabi-v7a && cd build-android-armeabi-v7a
cmake -DQT_DIR=$QT_DIR_ARMV7A -G "Unix Makefiles" \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a \
-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared \
make -j8
The resulted apk will be in QaterialGallery-armeabi-v7a/build/outputs/apk/release/
mkdir build-android-arm64-v8a && cd build-android-arm64-v8a
cmake -DQT_DIR=$QT_DIR_ARM64V8A -G "Unix Makefiles" \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a \
-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared \
make -j8
The resulted apk will be in QaterialGallery-arm64-v8a/build/outputs/apk/release/
mkdir build-android-x86 && cd build-android-x86
cmake -DQT_DIR=$QT_DIR_X86 -G "Unix Makefiles" \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared \
make -j8
The resulted apk will be in QaterialGallery-x86/build/outputs/apk/release/
- Be on recent version of macOs.
- Latest Version of XCode.
- Qt compiled for iOs as static library.
- iOs CMake Toolchain.
- Generate Qt Import Plugin statement. See these macros.
- An Apple Developer Licence if you want to deploy on real device.
Prepare Environment:
If you installed official Qt binary, Qt Sdk binary is located in:
export QT_USER_ID=$(id -un)
export QT_IOS_VERSION=5.15.1
Run CMake:
Then simply run CMake with this toolchain. Read the toolchain README for more information.
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/ios.toolchain.cmake \
-G "XCode" \
Then you can simply build your app:
cmake --build . --config Release
or launch the generated XCode project.
Ipa will be located in QaterialGalleryIpa/Qaterial.ipa
Note: Exe, Shared and Static can't be ON at the same time.
- QATERIALGALLERY_BUILD_SHARED : Build as a shared library [ON OFF]. Default: OFF.
- QATERIALGALLERY_BUILD_STATIC : Build as a static library [ON OFF]. Default: OFF.
- QATERIALGALLERY_BUILD_EXE : Build as an executable [ON OFF]. Default: ON.
- QATERIALGALLERY_PROJECT : Name of the project. Default: QaterialGallery.
- QATERIALGALLERY_TARGET : Name of the project. Default: QaterialGallery.
- QATERIALGALLERY_TARGET : Output target to link to. Default: QaterialGallery
To create a new release:
- Update in
the parameter VERSION_CODE in the android apk macro