Use CMD (php -S localhost:8888) to host project
Bunker is not a company but a collective of young visionaries that have come together in collaboration to bring luxury unisex fashion to the streets of South-Africa
Bunker is a fullstack application built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP as well as making use of the Vue, Slim and Axios frameworks to bring together a fully functional e-commerce store that looks visually appealing and is easy to navigate
- A sticky header, sidebar and navigation controller
- Main page with coming soon, featured and available products sections
- A selected product page with more details about the specific product that can be added to the users cart
- An about us page that features details about the company
- An account page where the user can either sign out or change their password
- Sign in, register, and reset password pages
- The front and back end must be kept separate
- Must make use of Vue framework
- Data must persist between pages
- Must have a sticky Header
- Must have a sidebar
- Main page must have a coming soon, featured and available products sections
- Must be Able to Sign -Up -In -Out and change password
- Add Slim framework (Complete)
- Add Cart page (Complete)
- Add Account pages (Complete)
- Add filtering (Complete)
- Add popups for added to cart, removed from cart and order placed
- Add in more robust filtering system
- Jesse Vermeulen
- Shirley Vermeulen
- William Steward
- Micheal Moore
I do not own any of the images or products used in this project nor do I claim to, Bunker is not a real store