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This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.

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Recent Update on 24/04/2022.

• Finished the project.

Old Update on 17/04/2022.

• Started the project.


You can find the subject of this project here.

How to run:

First download the repository.

Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.

You can start by going to the inception folder and type:

Don't do sudo make because with sudo, {USERNAME} is blank and it's substituted by {SUDO_USER}.

Wait for the container to build.

Type env | grep "USERNAME" and get your username.

Now, on your browser you can visit the webpage (username is your username, mine is tisantos).

You'll see http://localhost:443 doesn't work because it's not https.

Make sure your browser never stores cookies for or localhost, otherwise you might
be seeing pages that are just stored in cookies and are not really built.

Also make sure your browser doesn't force https.

Firefox https redirect

Useful Links:


Docker Hub
Dockerfile Instructions
Docker Compose Specifications


Debian Buster Versions


How to Configure Nginx
Creating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
Mapping Hostname Ports


Change MariaDB root user
Create MariaDB user and database in bash
Allow Remote Access to MariaDB
ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host ‘hostname’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
Import Export SQL
Mysql unable to service mysql stop
Reset MariaDB root


getenv() Wordpress
Install Wordpress via Shell


Names mounted Volumes
Ports vs Expose
WordPress Deployment with NGINX, PHP-FPM and MariaDB using Docker Compose
Setup WordPress on an Nginx LEMP Server
Install WordPress with Nginx on Debian 10/11



Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by
using containers.


Is a way to package applications with all the necessary dependencies and configurations.
It is portable and easily shared and moved around.

Containers can be public or private.
You can find public containers in the Docker Hub.

Why are containers good?

	Because if you're working on a team, anyone can work on the container even if they
don't share the same OS.
	The container is it's own operating system.

Containers are made of images.


docker run "name"
	Runs an instance of an image in the docker host. If the image doesn't exist it downloads.

docker pull "name"
	Downloads an image, but doesn't run it.

docker ps
	Shows all images that are running and some basic informations about them. PS (Process Status).

docker ps -a
	Shows all images that are running even the ones that have stopped. --all works as well.

docker inspect "name"
	Shows in detail the container in a JSON file.

docker stop "name"
	Stops the image that it's running. To find the name of the image you want to stop
	type "docker ps".

docker start "name"
	Starts an image that you stopped.

docker restart "name"
	Restarts a running image.

docker rm "name"
	Removes an image permanently from the container.

docker images
	Shows a list of installed images.

docker rmi "name"
	Removes permanently an image from the host.

docker exec "name" "command"
	Executes the commands in the image. For example if you have an ubuntu image you
	can do "sudo docker exec "running-image-name" ls"

	If you want to open bash you can do
	"sudo docker exec -it "running-image-name" /bin/bash"
	"sudo docker exec -it "running-image-name" /bin/sh"
	One of these will work.

	Changes the name of the image so it isn't a random name.
	"sudo docker run -name ola-mundo fhsinchy/hello-dock"

	This makes the container work in the background.
	You can see it working from "docker ps".
	You can also use --detatch
		Example: "sudo docker run -d kodekloud/simple-webapp"

	Publish a container's port(s) to the host.
	"sudo docker -p 80:80 -p 443:443"

(tag) ':'
	Running with different versions.
	"sudo docker run redis" runs the latest version.
	"sudo docker run redis:4.0" runs the 4.0 version.

docker network ls
	Shows a list of networks you have.

docker network create "name"
	Creates a new network.

sudo docker system prune -a:
	Deletes everything (doesn't stop running images)

sudo docker system prune --volumes -a:
	Deletes everything include volumes.

sudo docker inspect <container name> | grep IPAddress
	This gets the real ip of the container. Sometimes you can't connect on, This
	gets the real ip.

	WARNING: Ip changes every time you docker-compose down / up.
			The best thing is to use the ones below.

Connecting to a docker container ip:
	Sometimes you get errors when you can't connnect to

	linux =
	mac   = host.docker.internal

sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q):
	removes all images from "docker ps -a"

sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -a -q):
	removes all images from "docker images -a"

Docker vs Virtual Machines

Docker is container based technology and containers are just user space of the operating system.
A container is just a set of processes that are isolated from the rest of the system,
running from a distinct image that provides all files necessary to support the processes.
It is built for running applications. In Docker, the containers running share the host OS kernel.

A Virtual Machine, on the other hand, is not based on container technology.
They are made up of user space plus kernel space of an operating system. Under VMs,
server hardware is virtualized. Each VM has Operating system (OS) & apps. It
shares hardware resource from the host.

VMs & Docker – each comes with benefits and demerits. Under a VM environment,
each workload needs a complete OS. But with a container environment, multiple
workloads can run with 1 OS. The bigger the OS footprint, the more environment benefits
from containers. With this, it brings further benefits like Reduced IT management
resources, reduced size of snapshots, quicker spinning up apps, reduced & simplified
security updates, less code to transfer, migrate and upload workloads.

VM’s are built for applications that are usually more static and don’t change very often.
Whereas containers are more flexible and make it possible to easily and
frequently update your containers.

Size: Docker images are also much smaller.
Speed: Docker containers are much faster on boot and performance.

Docker Network:

By default you have 3 networks.
You can type "sudo docker network ls".

- bridge
- none
- host

These are the same as:

	bridge = docker run Alpine
	none   = docker run Alpine --network=none
	host   = docker run Alpine --network=host

To make a new network you can type.
"sudo docker network create alpine-network"

If you use docker-compose you don't need to do these commands. With docker-compose
it creates networks automatically.


Is a blueprint to create docker images.

To create an image you type:
	"docker build -t "name" "directory""

To run the new image you type:
	"docker run "name you gave""


    Used to specify Docker Image Name and start the build process.

        FROM ubuntu:latest

    Used to execute a command in Running container, there should be one CMD in
    a Dockerfile. Executes the command when your Docker Image is deployed.

        FROM ubuntu:latest
        CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
        FROM ubuntu:latest
        CMD /bin/bash

    Used to execute any commands on top of current Docker Image.
    Executes the command when you are building Image.

        FROM ubuntu:latest
        MAINTAINER [email protected]
        RUN apt-get update
        RUN apt-get install -y apache2

    Used to specify Network port for Docker container.

        EXPOSE 80

    Used to set Environment Variables with key and value.

        FROM node:12
        ENV abc=HELLO
        ENV abca=HELLa

    Copies a file and directory from your host to Docker image, however can also
    fetch remote URLs, extract TAR/ZIP files, etc. It is used downloading remote
    resources, extracting TAR/ZIP files.

        ADD java/jdk-8u231-linux-x64.tar /opt/jdk/
        ADD /home/ubuntu/test/

    Used to Copies a file or directory from your host to Docker image. It is used
    to simply copying files or directories into the build context.

        COPY index.html /var/www/html

    Used you to configure a container that you can run as an executable.
    Specifies a commands that will executes when the Docker container starts.

        ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1", "param2"]

    Used to create or mount volume to docker container.
    The docker run command initializes the newly created volume with any data that
    exists at the specified location within the base image.

        FROM ubuntu
        RUN mkdir /myvol
        RUN echo "hello world" > /myvol/greeting
        VOLUME /myvol

    This Dockerfile results in an image that causes docker run to create a new mount
    point at /myvol and copy the greeting file into the newly created volume.

    Used to set the user name and UID when running container.

        RUN adduser -D admin
        USER admin

    Used to set the working directory.

        FROM ubuntu:16.04
        WORKDIR /project
        RUN npm install
        WORKDIR ../project2
        RUN touch file1.cpp

    Used to set Environment variables with key and value during the image build.

        ARG JAVA_PATH=/opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_251


To write a Docker-Compose you can not use tabs, only spaces, and you have to ident it

To run Docker-Compose you type:
	"docker-compose -f "name.yaml" up"

To close the Docker-Compose you opened you type:
	"docker-compose -f "name.yaml" down"

	Closing this way it will also delete the networks. So it's better to close it like this.

When you run the Docker-Compose it creates a network automatically. You can check it by
by typing "docker network ls".

Docker Volumes:

Volumes is used so you don't lose the database all the time you start the container.

In the .yaml file you have to add:

"volumes:" in two specific parts, the first part it's on the service you want to use
use volumes, and on the services.

To know what files to save (persist) of your database you have to google.
For Mongo DB, google "mongodb database directory".
The path is "/data/db"
You can save random paths with files inside too.


	version: '3'
			image: mongo
				- 27017:27017
				- mongo-data:/data/db
				- just-a-file:/teste
			image: mongo-express
				- 8080:8081
			driver: local
			driver: local

To see a list of all volumes type:
	"sudo docker volume ls"

To remove all volumes type:
	"sudo docker volume prune"


TLS short for Transport Layer Security.
SSL short for Secure Socket Layers.

When you install an SSL/TLS certificate on your web server (often just called an
“SSL certificate), it includes a public key and a private key that authenticate your
server and let your server encrypt and decrypt data.

When a visitor goes to your site, their web browser will look for your site’s
SSL/TLS certificate. Then, the browser will perform a “handshake” to check the
validity of your certificate and authenticate your server. If the SSL certificate is
not valid, your users may be faced with the “your connection is not private” error,
which could cause them to leave your website.

Once a visitor’s browser determines that your certificate is valid and authenticates your
server, it essentially creates an encrypted link between it and your server to securely
transport data.

This is also where HTTPS comes in (HTTPS stands for “HTTP over SSL/TLS”).

HTTP, and the more recent HTTP/2, are application protocols that play an essential role
in transferring information over the Internet.

With plain HTTP, that information is vulnerable to attacks. But when you use HTTP over
SSL or TLS (HTTPS), you encrypt and authenticate that data during transport,
which makes it secure.

This is why you can safely process credit card details over HTTPS but not over HTTP,
and also why Google Chrome is pushing so hard for HTTPS adoption

Both cryptographic protocols that encrypt data and authenticate a connection when moving
data on the Internet.

For example, if you’re processing credit card payments on your website, TLS and SSL
can help you securely process that data so that malicious actors can’t get their hands on it.

How encryption works:

Encryption is necessary in order to communicate securely over the internet: if your
data isn't encrypted, anyone can examine your packets and read confidential information.
The safest method of encryption is called asymmetrical cryptography; this
requires two cryptographic keys — pieces of information, usually very large numbers — to
work properly, one public and one private. The mathematics here are complex, but in
essence, you can use the public key to encrypt the data, but need the private key to
decrypt it. The two keys are related to each other by some complex mathematical formula
that is difficult to reverse-engineer by brute force. Think of the public key as
information about the location of a locked mailbox with a slot on the front, and
the private key as the key that unlocks the mailbox. Anyone who knows where the mailbox
is can put a message in it; but for anyone else to read it, they need the private key.


Acts both as a Web Server and a Proxy.

NGINX is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing,
media streaming, and more.

Check Nginx status: service nginx status

Alpine Linux:

Small. Simple. Secure. Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution
based on musl libc and busybox.

The latest version

To see the version of your Alpine Linux:
	cat /etc/alpine-release


To start mysql:

Starts mysql service:
    service mysql start

Starts mysql on the user root:
    mysql -u root

Starts mysql on the user tisantos with password:
    mysql -u tisantos -p

Commands inside mysql:

CREATE DATABASE wordpressdb;
    Creates a database called wordpressdb.

SHOW databases;
    Shows a list of databases.    

CREATE user 'tisantos'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
    Creates user tisantos with the password, password.

SELECT user FROM mysql.user;
    Shows a list of users.

SELECT user();
    Shows current user.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpressdb.* TO 'tisantos'@'localhost';
    After creating the database wordpressdb on root, for tisantos to use it, you have
    to grant him access.

    After giving privileges you should flush it and exit to be accessed.

    Exits mysql.

USE database_name;
    Goes to the database.
      USE wordpress_db;

SELECT database();
    Shows current database.

SHOW tables;
    Lists all tables inside the database.

CREATE TABLE table_name;
    Creates a table, if you are inside the database.
        CREATE TABLE teste_table(
            number int,
            text varchar(255)

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (...);
    Inserts data inside table_name.
        INSERT INTO teste_table VALUES(10, 'Olah!');

Commands outside mysql:

    Shows a list of databases.

Connect to mysql to check if it's working:

    $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password');
    if (!$link) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error());
    echo 'Connected successfully';

apt-get install php
apt-get install php-mysqli 


This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.






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