This proof of concept demonstrates the ability to re-use the Typescript typechecker on an AST that was not generated by the typescript parser (but perhaps another parser altogether).
there are two programs fake-parser
and typescript-parser
that analyse the same program and use the typechecker to infer types of variables.
the fake-parser
will do so based on an AST, the typescript-parser
will do so based on a source file.
Both programs analyse the same source code and print out the same variables.
click to reveal source code
const cloud: {
CreateBucket: <T>() => Bucket<T>;
} = {} as any;
interface Bucket<T> {
on_object_created(handler: (key: string, obj: T) => void);
enum Kind {
interface Cat {
kind: Kind.Cat;
catName: string;
age: number;
interface Dog {
kind: Kind.Dog;
dogName: string;
age: number;
const bucket = cloud.CreateBucket<Cat | Dog>();
bucket.on_object_created((_key, obj) => {
const catName_0 = obj.catName;
const dogName_0 = obj.dogName;
const age_0 = obj.age;
if (obj.kind === Kind.Cat) {
const catName_1 = obj.catName;
const dogName_1 = obj.dogName;
const age_1 = obj.age;
} else {
const catName_2 = obj.catName;
const dogName_2 = obj.dogName;
const age_2 = obj.age;
The output of either program is expected to be:
before narrowing to either Cat or Dog
variable catName_0 has type error
variable dogName_0 has type error
variable age_0 has type number
after narrowing to Cat
variable catName_1 has type string
variable dogName_1 has type error
variable age_1 has type number
after narrowing to Dog
variable catName_2 has type error
variable dogName_2 has type string
variable age_2 has type number
from the root of this project, run the following two commands and compare the results
ts-node src/fake-parser/test.ts
ts-node src/typescript-parser/test.ts