JDCraw is a wrapper around the popular dcraw executable.
The current system is very much in development, and as such, I wouldn't yet use it in a production system.
The project relies on Maven.
This project relies on the DCRaw executable, built by Dave Coffin. Depending on your operating system, you can install it as follows:
Install using the built in package manager.
For Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install dcraw
For Fedora:
sudo yum install dcraw
First, install the brew package manager, if you haven't already.
Then, open Terminal and run the following:
sudo brew install dcraw
Using JDCraw is very simple. Using a Java File object, simply create an instance of DCRawManager passing the file in:
File fileToEdit = new File('/path/to/file.dng');
DCRawManager manager = new DCRawManager(fileToEdit);
Then, one can use this manager object in several ways.
DCRaw arguments are expressed in pure English. Let's say I want to flip an image by 90 degrees. Simply create an operation that does that:
RawOperation flipOperation =
new FlipImageOperation(FlipAngleEnum.DEGREES90);
Then, add it to the list of operations for DCraw to carry out:
There are some tests, but these are not entirely comprehensive. To run the ones present, use Maven:
mvn test
Licensed under the MIT License.
DCRaw is licensed under the LGPLv2 license.