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Spotify Integration by Oceanity v0.7.5

This is a Firebot Script that will allow you to integrate Spotify functionality and information into your Firebot setup. Due to very stict limits on Spotify's API, it does require that you make your own application in Spotify's developer portal and supply your own Client ID and Secret.

  1. Setup
  2. Features


  • Log in to your Spotify Account on and click "Create app"
    • App name and description can be whatever you want
    • Website is optional, also doesn't matter what you use here
    • Callback Url must be http://localhost:7472/api/v1/auth/callback
    • API/SDKs to use are Web API and Web Playback API
    • Click checkbox to agree with Spotify's TOS and Design Guidelines
  • Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret, these are required to use this script
  • In Firebot, go to Settings > Scripts
    • Enable Custom Scripts if they are not currently enabled
    • Click Manage Startup Scripts
    • Click Add New Script
    • Click the "scripts folder" link to open the Scripts Folder and place oceanitySpotifyIntegration.js there
    • Refresh the list of scripts and pick oceanitySpotifyIntegration.js from the dropdown
    • In Client Id and Client Secret fields, copy in the two codes from earlier
  • Go to Settings > Integrations and click Link next to Spotify (by Oceanity)
    • Log in and authorize on the page that pops up
  • You should now have the ability to use this script's Effects, Events and Replace Variables in Firebot


  • Overwrite existing oceanitySpotifyIntegration.js with new version
  • Restart Firebot

Lyrics Setup

  • Install Tampermonkey from
  • Click the lyricsGrabber.user.js file included with the latest Release
  • Tampermonkey should prompt you to install the script, click Install
  • Visit and you should see a modal on the site for the plugin
  • As long as the lyrics pane is open, any songs with Lyrics will now forward those to Firebot (they will not render in the browser, this is normal)


This script adds the following features to Firebot

Spotify Premium Required

  • Effects
    • Change Playback State
    • Change Repeat Mode
    • Change Volume
    • Find and Enqueue Track
    • Seek to Position
    • Skip Track

Any Spotify Account

  • Replace Variables
    • Lyrics
      • spotifyLyricsCurrentLine: string
      • spotifyTrackHasLyrics: bool
    • Player
      • spotifyIsPlaying: bool
      • spotifyPlayerRelativeVolume: float
      • spotifyPlayerVolume: integer
    • Playlist
      • rawSpotifyPlaylist: object
      • spotifyIsPlaylistActive: bool
      • spotifyPlaylist: object
        • spotifyPlaylist[id]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[name]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[description]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[length]: integer
        • spotifyPlaylist[coverImageUrl]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[owner]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[ownerUrl]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[tracks]: array

        • spotifyPlaylist[url]: string
        • spotifyPlaylist[uri]: string
    • Track
      • rawSpotifyTrack: object
      • spotifyTrack: object
        • spotifyTrack[id]: string
        • spotifyTrack[title]: string
        • spotifyTrack[artist]: string
        • spotifyTrack[artists]: string[]
        • spotifyTrack[album]: string
        • spotifyTrack[albumArtUrl]: string
        • spotifyTrack[duration]: string
        • spotifyTrack[durationMs]: integer
        • spotifyTrack[position]: string
        • spotifyTrack[positionMs]: integer
        • spotifyTrack[relativePosition]: float
        • spotifyTrack[url]: string
        • spotifyTrack[uri]: string
    • Queue
      • rawSpotifyQueue: object
      • spotifyQueue: object
        • spotifyQueue[0..20]: object (same structure as spotifyTrack var)
          • spotifyQueue[0.title]: string
          • spotifyQueue[0.artist]: string
          • etc.
      • spotifyUserQueues: object
        • spotifyQueue[0..inf]: object
          • spotifyQueue[0.queuedBy]: string
          • spotifyQueue[0.position]: number
          • spotifyQueue[0.track]: object (same structure as spotifyTrack var)
  • Events
    • Lyrics Changed
    • Playback State Changed
    • Playlist Changed
    • Tick
    • Track Changed
    • Track Auto-Skipped
    • Volume Changed