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MetaDefender - Menlo Security Middleware



Please use the origin repository for internal development, syncronize only the main and develop branches between origin and github repos.

  • origin: Internal remote repository
    origin [email protected]:metascan/mdcl-menlo-middleware.git

  • github: Public remote repository
    github [email protected]:OPSWAT/metadefender-menlo-integration.git

Repo setup

# clone repo from bitbucket
git clone [email protected]:metascan/mdcl-menlo-middleware.git

# change directory to project root
cd mdcl-menlo-middleware

# add public remote repo
git remote add github [email protected]:OPSWAT/metadefender-menlo-integration.git

# init git-flow
git flow init
# [gitflow "branch"]
# 	master = main
# 	develop = develop
# [gitflow "prefix"]
# 	feature = feature/
# 	bugfix = bugfix/
# 	release = release/
# 	hotfix = hotfix/
# 	support = support/
# 	versiontag =

# init python virtual env
python3 -m venv .venv

# activate virtual env
source .venv/bin/activate

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Use git-flow workflow for development


Middleware documentation

Make sure you have python3.5 or above installed. This Middleware leverages python's async mechanism introduced in python3.5

Before you run it, install all dependencies in a virtual env:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the app:

python3 -m metadefender_menlo

Middleware should be configured using the config file:

service: metadefender                       # MetaDefender Core service is the only current integration allowed
  type: core                                # mandatory, should be either `core` or `cloud`
    apikey: null                            # optional for MetaDefender Core (in case is configured to request it), but `mandatory for MetaDefender Cloud`
    core: https://localhost:8008            # MetaDefender Core URL - can be HTTP or HTTPS (certificate validation is disabled)
    cloud:  # MetaDefender Cloud URL - this doesn't need to be updated, will be consumed when api type is `cloud`
  port: 3000
  host: ""
  api_version: /api/v1
  load_local: false                         # enable https by using locally stored certs
  crt: /tmp/certs/server.crt                # location of the public key
  key: /tmp/certs/server.key                # location of the private key
  enabled: true                             # enable or disable logging. 
  level: INFO                               # select from (NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) (see
  logfile: /var/log/md-menlo/app.log        # absolute path to the logfile. If path doesn't exist will be created (make sure the user has the right permissions)
  interval: 24                              # the interval (in hours) for log rotation
  backup_count: 30                          # for how many intervals should the logs be kept (e.g. 30 logs for 24h each -> 30 days logs)

Menlo requires all communication to be done over https, so either deploy an reverse proxy (nginx) in front of it to handle SSL or use the configuration https in the config.yml. You can add self-signed X509 certs, but have to be signed by a (custom) Certificate Authority. The rootCA public key will be required to be uploaded to Menlo Security Web Policy configuration.

The location can be altered also by modifiying metadefender_menlo/ at lines 22-23.

AWS Cloud deployment

To change the environemnt, update .env file.

# Use `local` for local development.
# Use `dev` for testing the deployment on
# Use `prod` for deploying a new version to prod env:

Follow the next steps after the env is set.

# 1. Go to the kubernetes folder
cd kubernetes

# 2. Build a new image version. 
# set different <version> for each deployment, 
# you can append a letter to the current version number while testing. e.g. 1.1.0-c
./ build_image 1.1.0-c

# 3.a Login to AWS ECR. Once in a while if your session expires
./ ecr_login

# 3. Push image to remote
./ push_image 1.1.0-c

# 4. Deploy the new image to the dev cluster
./ apply_deployment

# Check the new deployment on

Bitbucket automated deployment

Some Bitbucket pipelines have been configured in order for everybody to easily build and deploy the Menlo middleware to any environment from the same place (Bitbucket pipelines that trigger cloud agents), thus eliminating potential deviations in the build/deploy script or others (OS, software etc.). Plus, this way all builds/deploys can be tracked.

There are 3 pipelines:

  • branches: develop - automatically triggered to build/deploy to dev when there is a merge to develop
  • branches: main - automatically triggered to build/deploy to prod when there is a merge to main
  • custom: manual - manually triggered pipeline to deploy to dev from any branch other than develop/main

All of the environment variables used in the scripts can be viewed and configured in Bitbucket->Repository Settings->Deployments OR Repository variables

For local deployments, use the gitignored .env file which will be sourced in the script.

Kubernetes deployment

First, you’re required to build a container. There’s a Dockerfile in the repo, that you can use to build the container and push it to your registry. Once you have it, you will have to modify deployment.yaml and specify your own container image.

Also, check the script. It was built specifically for Google Cloud to leverage GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). But it can be easily adapted to run in any Kubernetes supported environment.

For AWS deployment please check

The GCP specific part is building the cluster and (if needed) the static IP.

Modify the deploy script to use your own cluster and certificates as needed. If you don’t require self-signed certs, you can remove the entire portion with openssl and jump directly to adding your certificates as Kubernetes secrets.

Check deployment.yaml and place the real apikey (if you plan to use MetaDefender Cloud), or just remove that environment variable entirely if it is not going to be used. You can also set the apikey in the config file, if you prefer to have it hardcoded in the container image, instead of passing it as an environment variable.

- name: "metadefender-menlo-integration"     
  image: "<<middleware-container>>"         # Build your own container using the Dockerfile provided in the repository
  - name: "apikey"
    value: "<<MetaDefender-Cloud-apikey>>"  # Set your private apikey if you will integrate with MetaDefender Cloud

MetaDefender Core - Menlo Security Integration Guide

About This Guide

This document describes the integration of Menlo Security with MetaDefender Core and Cloud, using the current middleware

Integration Overview

Menlo Security has the ability to call an external API (called Sanitization API), which allows to offload the file analysis to MetaDefender and retrieve the sanitized file once is available.

The Sanitization API specification includes:

  • Submit metadata - not implemented in this Middleware to maintain a stateless system
  • Check Existing Report - SHA256 lookup
  • File Submission
  • Analysis Report - Menlo will keep polling this endpoint until the status is completed
  • Retrieve Sanitized file

Installation Prerequisites

The middleware is using python3 and requires minimum python3.5 to run. A list of all libraries are included in requirements.txt

The application can run on the same VM as MetaDefender Core or a separate system. Can also run in a Docker container, a Dockerfile is made available.

Integration Steps

Step 1: Deploy Integration Middleware

First, clone this repository: git clone

Second, install all dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Configure Middleware

Middleware should be configured using the config file. Make sure you place the certs in the right folder (certs) and under the right name, since Menlo requires all communication to be done over https.

service: metadefender
  type: cloud
    apikey: null
  port: 3000
  host: ""
  api_version: /api/v1
  load_local: false
  crt: /tmp/certs/server.crt
  key: /tmp/certs/server.key
  enabled: true
  level: INFO
  logfile: /var/log/md-menlo/app.log
  interval: 24
  backup_count: 30

See the Middleware Documentation for details.

Environment variables (will overwrite some of the config.yml values)

MENLO_MD_ENV --> env # environment: local, dev, qa, prod, etc.

MENLO_MD_AWS_REGION --> region  # aws region
MENLO_MD_BITBUCKET_COMMIT_HASH --> commitHash  # git commit hash for versioning
MENLO_MD_MDCLOUD_RULE --> scanRule  # MD Cloud Scan Workflow
MENLO_MD_APIKEY --> config.yml:api.params.apikey  # MD Cloud or MD API Key
MENLO_MD_URL --> config.yml:api.url[api.type] # MD Cloud or MD Url
MENLO_MD_SENTRY_DSN --> sentryDsn # Sentry endpoint if enabled

MENLO_MD_KAFKA_ENABLED --> config.logging.kafka.enabled # enable writing logs to kafka
MENLO_MD_KAFKA_CLIENT_ID --> config.logging.kafka.client_id # kafka client id
MENLO_MD_KAFKA_SERVER --> config.logging.kafka.server # list of kafka brokers
MENLO_MD_KAFKA_TOPIC --> config.logging.kafka.topic # kafka topic
MENLO_MD_KAFKA_SSL --> config.logging.kafka.ssl # use ssl or not

MENLO_MD_SNS_ENABLED --> config.logging.sns.enabled # enable sns notifications for errors
MENLO_MD_SNS_ARN --> config.logging.sns.arn # sns topic arn
MENLO_MD_SNS_REGION --> config.logging.sns.region # sns topic region

  Overwrites: config.yml:fallbackToOriginal 
  Description: Send 204 to Menlo when the sanitized version is not available
  Values: true | false
Step 3: Configure Menlo Integration
  1. Login to Menlo Admin console (
  2. Go to Web Policy > Content Inspection
  3. Edit Menlo File REST API
  4. Add the following details:
    • Plugin Name: MetaDefender Core
    • Plugin Description: MetaDefender Core API Integration
    • Base URL: The url of the middleware (e.g.
      • ⚠️ HTTPS is required!
    • Certificate: the certificate (X.509) used for the Middleware
      • This will be used for certificate validation
    • Type of transfers:
      • Enable Downloads if MetaDefender is used to scan and sanitize downloaded files
      • Enable Uploads if MetaDefender will be used to also redact uploaded files
    • Authorization Header:
      • For MetaDefender Core: you can put any dummy data, since this header will be ignored on the Middleware side
      • For MetaDefender Cloud:
        • you can choose to input here the apikey instead in the config file
        • if so, you'll need to enable the functionality
          • uncomment the prepare function in
        • The main benefit is the ability to switch keys in Menlo admin console, maybe use different keys for different departments/groups.
    • Hash Check: leave it unchecked, to force a file analysis and sanitization on every file download
    • Metadata Check: leave it unchecked since is not supported in this integration
    • Allow File Replacement: Enable this functionality if you plan to use MetaDefender to sanitize the downloaded files or redact uploaded files
Step 4: Test
  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for a PDF
  3. Try to download the PDF
  4. You should see the File Download request in the Admin Console (Logs > Web Logs)
  5. Click on the table entry and you'll see the analyis details on the right side.

Logging guide


    - MenloPlugin
    - MetaDefenderCloud

    - Request
    - Response
    - Internal

    - <JSON Object>
    - <Order>

    MenloPlugin > Request > {method: GET, endpoint: "/api/v1/file/<dataId>"}
    MetadeDefenderCloud > Request > {<dataId> | {'apikey': <apikey>, 'x-forwarded-for': '', 'x-real-ip': ''}}
    MetadeDefenderCloud > Response > {status_500}
    MeloPlugin > Internal > "Error from md cloud"
    MenloPlugin > Response > {500 response: sanitized file (binary data)}


To generate the api documentation from menlo-sanitization-openapi.yaml run the below command: redocly build-docs ./api/menlo-sanitization-openapi.yaml --output './docs/Menlo Sanitization API.html'