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Simple and aesthetic programming language built with C++ that intends to turn programming a joyful experience. Currently transpiled to JavaScript as I don't know how to compile to a lower level.

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All the programming languages I've used have something I like and dislike, so I decided to make one based on the language I like the most, the V programming language. I am studying Software Enginnering and C++ is the language I am being taught, so that is the language used in the project. Pino is transpiled to JavaScript because it is the language I know the best and I don't know how to compile it to a lower level.

Why Pino?

Every cool name I thought of was already used and at that moment I was thinking about Ergo Proxy, my all time favourite anime. Since Pino is a little adorable character from that anime and it is a short name as well... Pino! Pino! Pino!


Multi Line Comments are not yet supported but the intended syntax is shown right below.

# Single Line Comment


# Variable
var name = "Shawn Lee"
# Constant
val country = "China"
# Reassignment
name = "John China"
# To Variable
var people = name

String Injection

val name = "Shawn Lee"
val country = "China"
val budget = 0
val weight = 64.5
var message = "$name lives in $country, has a budget of $budget and weighs $weight kg"


fn get_str(it int) {
  return "$it: What is going on fella!"

var arr_int = []int { len: 6, init: it * 2 }
var arr_str = []str { len: 9, init: get_str(it) }

println(arr_int, arr_str)

struct Game {
  name str
  characters arr

println(Game {
  name: "Gears of War"
  characters: ["Marcus", "Dominic", "Baird", "Cole"]

val game = Game {
  name: "Halo"
  characters: ["Master Chief", "Cortana", "Captain Keyes", "Sergeant Johnson", "343 Guilty Spark"]

fn print_game_characters(game Game) {
  val len = game:characters:length
  println("$game:name Characters $len")
  for i in len {
    val char = game:characters[i]
    println("  Character $i: $char")


val languages = ["Vlang", "Swift"]
val vlang = languages[0]

println("Languages:", languages, vlang)


fn get_full_name(name str, last_name str) {
  return "$name $last_name"

var full_name = get_full_name("Shawn", "Lee")


fn to_ruble(dollar int) {
  return dollar * 91

fn to_yen(dollar int) {
  return dollar * 150

val dollar = 10
val rubble = to_rubble(dollar)
val yen = to_yen(dollar)

println("$dollar dollars are $rubble rubbles and $yen yens")

Control Flow

var has_girlfriend = false

if has_girlfriend {
  println("Shawn Lee has a girlfriend!")
} else {
  println("Shawn Lee is still single after all these years!")

Loop Statement

# Times Loop
for 10 {
  println("This loop has run for 10 times")

# In Loop
var times = 10
for i in times {
  println("This has run for the $i time a total of $times")


struct Phone {
  brand str
  name str

struct Person {
  full_name str
  is_married bool
  budget int
  phone Phone

fn create_phone(brand str, name str) {
  return Phone { brand, name }
  # or Phone { brand name } (commas are optional)
  # or Phone { brand: brand, name: name } (with no prop shortcut)

val person = Person {
  full_name: "Shawn Lee"
  is_married: 50 < 10
  budget: 1000 - 950
  phone: create_phone("Apple", "15 Pro Max")

val name = person:full_name
val phone_name = person:phone:name

println("$name owns a $phone_name")
println("$person:full_name has a budget of $person:budget $")

Functional Programming

# Higher Order Function
fn get_multiplier_fn(multiplier int) {
  return fn (num int) {
    return num * multiplier

val double_it = get_multiplier_fn(2)

fn times_ten(num int) {
  return num * 10

fn map(array arr, fun function) {
  return []any { len: array:length, init: fun(array[it]) }

val arr_int = []int { len: 4, init: times_ten(it) }
val arr_double = map(arr_int, double_it)
val arr_triple = map(arr_int, get_multiplier_fn(3))

println("Array Integers x 1:", arr_int)
println("Array Integers x 2:", arr_double)
println("Array Integers x 3:", arr_triple)

fn fold(array arr, initial any, fun function) {
  var acc = initial

  for i in array:length {
    acc = fun(array[i], acc)

  return acc

var total = fold(arr_int, 0, fn (current int, acc int) {
  return acc + current

println("Total of [$arr_int] = $total")

# Assigning a Lambda to a Constant
val add = fn (a int, b int) {
  return a + b

total = fold(arr_double, 0, add) 
println("Total of [$arr_double] = $total")

total = fold(arr_triple, 0, add) 
println("Total of [$arr_double] = $total")

Missing Features

  • Binary Expressions
    • Dual Character Bool Operators (==, !=, >=, <=)
    • Order of Precedence (JavaScript handles it once it is transpiled but it is not built in Pino)
    • Parenthesis
  • Checker (Parser output is transpiled without validation)
  • Comments
    • Single Line Comment
    • Multi Line Comment
  • Descriptive Parser and Lexer Errors
  • Floats
  • Functions
    • Default Parameter Value
    • Function Return Typing
    • Lambda (Anonymous Function)
    • Return Statement Vector Initialisation Support
  • Else If Statement
  • Match Statement
  • Modules and Import Statements
  • Strings
    • Struct Property Access Injection Support ("$struct:property")
  • Structs
    • Struct Definition
    • Struct Initialisation
    • Struct Operations (delete, read, set)
    • Struct Type for fn parameters
    • Optional Commas
    • Property Shortcut
  • Vectors
    • Vector Accesing
    • Vector Initialisation
    • Vector Literal (["Marcus", "Dominic", "Baird", "Cole"])
    • Vector Operations (pop, prepend, push, shift)
    • Vector Type for fn parameters
  • Yield Statement


Simple and aesthetic programming language built with C++ that intends to turn programming a joyful experience. Currently transpiled to JavaScript as I don't know how to compile to a lower level.







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