OAS 3.1.0 Released!
The OAI is pleased to announce the official release of the OpenAPI Specification 3.1.0!
See 3.1.0-rc1 for previous changes in 3.1.0, including the explanation of why there are breaking changes.
- Added the
top-level field to allow the definition of a default $schema value for Schema Objects.
- Updated some links to more accurate locations.
- Updates JSON Schema support to the latest 2020-12 draft.
- Revamped relative reference resolution under both URIs and URLs.
- Reworked file upload description to take into account new JSON Schema capabilities. This contains breaking changes.
- Both
prefixes for Specification Extensions are now reserved to be defined by the OpenAPI Initiative.
- Path parameter values cannot contain the unescaped characters
. - Further explanation of where Reference Object and JSON Schema's reference should be used.
- Unified wording when values are URLs/URIs.
- Reworded Path Item's
to take into account reference and component changes. - Fixed some examples.
- Minor text changes to improve consistency and readability.
- The description of the Reference Object has been updated to further clarify its behavior.
- Further updated Schema Object's description to take into account the latest draft, and the default use of https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base as the default OAS dialect.
- Reworded "Schema Vocabularies" to "Schema dialects"