Nuskybgd interacts with Xspec via PyXspec; you must install HEASOFT from source to use PyXspec.
You need a Python 3 (3.6 or newer) environment.
We recommend installing nuskybgd in its own virtual environment (i.e., using a "miniconda" installation).
The build instructions for pyXspec can be found here. Please build and confirm that pyXspec is working first before attempting to install nuskybgd.
Based on the IDL implementation of
. -
This has been forked from the original repository from achronal.
The original paper citation for
is Wik et al., 2014. If you usenuskybgd
in your work, please cite this paper.
If you'd like to say hello, drop onto the NuSTAR Slack channel from the NuSTAR Observer's page.
Please feel free to report issues and/or code pull requests.
These standard HEASARC environment variables must be set up before anything else. Modify the paths to point to the correct location on your machine.
# bash, zsh example
export CALDB=/soft/astro/heasarc/CALDB
create create --name nuskybgd-py py=3.7
conda activate nuskybgd-py
cd ~/git/nuskybgd-py
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/git/nuskbygd-py
pip install -e .
is now callable from the command line in your python shell. While nuskybgd-py
is a python repo, we typically recommend calling the various routines from the command line for simplicity.
Below is the original QuickStart guide from achronal. elow consists of achronal's original quickstart guide for setting up the environment. An additional practical example can be found from bwgref here.
Assuming you have the 'default' layout for files, e.g. cleaned event files are
in [target name]/[obs id]/event_cl
, the examples below puts background
modelling related files in a folder named bgd
inside event_cl
Create the bgd/
folder if this is the first time.
Use mkimgs.py to create a counts image for WCS reference.
# (cd into the top level)
./mkimgs.py ./ 50002031004 3 20
This creates the file imA3to20keV.fits
and imB3to20keV.fits
, which are
counts images between 3-20 keV seen by each detector module. These images are
used later for their WCS information. All subsequent image products are
projections onto the same WCS grid as these.
Note about regions
Region masking is handled by pyregion. If in doubt, test whether your region results in the mask as expected, directly with pyregion.
In general:
The mask is created by rendering each entry in the region file in sequence, changing pixels to
for an include region or changing pixels to0
for an exclude region. Therefore, order matters! The final value in a given pixel depends on the last region that covers it.Is this behaviour the same in all software? I would not bet on it. It is particularly ambiguous if you are just looking at the regions in DS9, as to whether the include or exclude region takes precedence. To be completely safe, create regions such that all exclude regions come after all include regions.
The same consideration should be given to region type. Stick to circle, box, and ellipse to be safe.
Create some background regions and extract spectra from both A and B modules,
e.g. I selected three background regions in DS9 and saved them in ds9 fk5
format, bgd1.reg
, bgd2.reg
, and bgd3.reg
# New syntax for getspecnoarf.py
# In event_cl/
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002A01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd1.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd1A \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd1A.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002A01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd2.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd2A \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd2A.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002A01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd3.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd3A \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd3A.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002B01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd1.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd1B \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd1B.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002B01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd2.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd2B \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd2B.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002B01_cl.evt reg=bgd/bgd3.reg \
indir=. outdir=bgd outprefix=bgd3B \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& bgd/bgd3B.log
This creates spectral product files, among which are the ungrouped PI spectra
files named like bgd1A_sr.pha
, grouped spectra files bgd1A_sr_g30.pha
, and
the response matrix file bgd1A_sr.rmf
. We will use these files for the next
Extract the spectrum of an extended source in the aperture defined by src.reg.
# In event_cl/
mkdir spec
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002A01_cl.evt reg=src1.reg \
indir=. outdir=spec outprefix=src1A \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& spec/src1A.log
getspecnoarf.py nu90201039002B01_cl.evt reg=src.reg \
indir=. outdir=spec outprefix=src1B \
attfile=../auxil/nu90201039002_att.fits.gz >& spec/src1B.log
Spectral products from the old version of getspecnoarf.py wrote relative paths in the RESPFILE keyword of the PHA file, so that the latter must be loaded from the same relative path for XSPEC to find the RMF file. You can fix the RESPFILE keyword in the PHA files to remove the directory name, which lets you load the spectrum when working in the same directory as it.
# In event_cl/ or where the spectral files are
find . -iname "*.pha" -type f -exec phafix.py {} \;
Create image masks for the detectors. Do this for each module, nu*A01_cl.evt
and nu*B01_cl.evt
Command line:
# In event_cl/
nuskybgd mkinstrmap nu90201039002A01_cl.evt
nuskybgd mkinstrmap nu90201039002B01_cl.evt
from nuskybgd.cli import mkinstrmap
mkinstrmap(['mkinstrmap', 'nu90201039002A01_cl.evt'])
mkinstrmap(['mkinstrmap', 'nu90201039002B01_cl.evt'])
This creates the files newinstrmapA.fits
and newinstrmapB.fits
, which are
image masks for the detectors.
Make images of the 2D histogram of the pointing position, one for each module.
Command line:
# In event_cl/
nuskybgd aspecthist nu90201039002A_det1.fits gtifile=nu90201039002A01_gti.fits \
nuskybgd aspecthist nu90201039002B_det1.fits gtifile=nu90201039002B01_gti.fits \
from nuskybgd.cli import aspecthist
aspecthist(['aspecthist', 'nu90201039002A_det1.fits',
'gtifile=nu90201039002A01_gti.fits', 'out=aspecthistA.fits'])
aspecthist(['aspecthist', 'nu90201039002B_det1.fits',
'gtifile=nu90201039002B01_gti.fits', 'out=aspecthistB.fits'])
This creates the files aspecthistA.fits
and aspecthistB.fits
in the
directory event_cl/
. They are images representing a 2D histogram in time of
the pointing position.
Create images of the aperture background model and detector mask convolved with the aspect. For each module, one image is created for the aperture background and four images for the detector masks.
Command line:
# In event_cl/bgd/
nuskybgd projbgd refimg=../imB3to20keV.fits out=bgdapA.fits \
mod=A det=1234 chipmap=../newinstrmapA.fits aspect=../aspecthistA.fits
nuskybgd projbgd refimg=../imB3to20keV.fits out=bgdapB.fits \
mod=B det=1234 chipmap=../newinstrmapB.fits aspect=../aspecthistB.fits
from nuskybgd.cli import projbgd
projbgd(['projbgd', 'refimg=../imB3to20keV.fits', 'out=bgdapA.fits',
'mod=A', 'det=1234', 'chipmap=../newinstrmapA.fits',
projbgd(['projbgd', 'refimg=../imB3to20keV.fits', 'out=bgdapB.fits',
'mod=B', 'det=1234', 'chipmap=../newinstrmapB.fits',
This creates the files bgdapA.fits
and bgdapB.fits
, which are the aperture
background images rotated and convolved with the aspect histogram images, and
, det1Aim.fits
, det2Aim.fits
, det3Aim.fits
, det1Bim.fits
, det2Bim.fits
, and det3Bim.fits
, which are
the detector masks rotated and convolved with the aspect histogram images. The
files are in the directory event_cl/bgd/
Run nuskybgd fit
(requires PyXspec) to create an XSPEC save file
, which contains the background models with preset
First, create a file bgdinfo.json
in bgd/
with the following structure
(nuskybgd fit --help
will print this template). The file names for the
images are default values so you may not need to modify them, but the files
for the background regions need to be updated for your data. The "regfiles"
list must correspond to the files in the "bgfiles"
The setting "fcxb_config" "links" are used to tie Xspec model parameters for the FCXB model normalization. These are comprised of a list of two values for the spectrum numbers to tie together. In the example below, all of the spectra for FPMB are tied to the spectra for identical regions from FPMA. Note that the Xspec spectrum number starts at 1. Without this setting, all of the FCXB normalizations are set to free.
"bgfiles": [
"bgd1A_sr_g30.pha", "bgd1B_sr_g30.pha",
"bgd2A_sr_g30.pha", "bgd2B_sr_g30.pha",
"bgd3A_sr_g30.pha", "bgd3B_sr_g30.pha"
"regfiles": [
"bgd1.reg", "bgd1.reg",
"bgd2.reg", "bgd2.reg",
"bgd3.reg", "bgd3.reg"
"refimgf": "bgdapA.fits",
"bgdapfiles": {
"A": "bgdapA.fits",
"B": "bgdapB.fits"
"bgddetfiles": {
"A": [
"B": [
"fcxb_config": {
"links": [
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6]
Then, run nuskybgd fit
, directing stdout to a log file. Check the log to see
if the task encountered any problems. Most of the logged output comes from
Command line:
# In event_cl/bgd/
nuskybgd fit bgdinfo.json savefile=IC342bgd >& fit.log
Python: (Warning for interactive use: Xspec will flood the terminal with messages)
from nuskybgd.cli import fit
fit(['fit', 'bgdinfo.json', 'savefile=IC342bgd'])
After successfully running nuskybgd fit
, the save file (in this case,
) can be loaded in Xspec to recreate the same state. From there,
the user can examine and tweak with the model. They can also save a modified
version of it, preferably under a different name, to experiment with for the
next step.
# Start xspec, then input these commands
ignore **:**-3. 150.-**
cpd /xw
setplot energy
setplot command res y 1e-4 0.04
plot ldata delchi
The generated background model then needs to be fitted to the background spectra.
The first thing the user should check is whether the preset normalizations
provide a close fit to the background spectra. If the background regions do
not have extended emission, the user may be able to obtain a good background
model by simply running fit
in Xspec.
The save file contains settings for Xspec fit equivalent to the following:
statistic chi; method leven 30000 1e-4; ignore **:**-3. 150.-**
The user should change this setting as required.
On the other hand, if the background regions do contain extended emission,
simply running fit
may not be enough, because the excess emission from the
real source cannot be accounted for by the preset model components. In that
case, the user must use discretion to account for the additional source(s).
Due to the number of free parameters in the nuskybgd model and possible
degeneracies with any added source models, it may be necessary to hand-tune
the fit and not fit everything simultaneously.
Do not remove any of the nuskybgd generated models or change their names.
When the model is OK, write the current state to a save file under a different name to the nuskybgd generated save file. This save file contains model parameters for the background components. The subsequent tasks will look for these using the model component names.
# Creates a save file mymodel.xcm
save all mymodel
The saved xcm file should not contain any general XSPEC/Tcl scripts because PyXspec will not properly execute it.
To calculate the amount of background in some source region, create a region
file and extract the spectrum from it. For this example, the region file is
named src1.reg
and the grouped spectrum file is src1_g30.pha
. Use
nuskybgd spec
on the best fit model save file.
nuskybgd spec bgdinfo.json mymodel.xcm src1.reg src1_g30.pha
See the help message of nuskybgd spec
for what it does. This step creates a
new Xspec save file, bgd_src1.xcm
(for custom output file name, use the
optional argument savefile=
to specify it.)
This save file is very similar to the input, with the addition of the source spectrum, and the background model parameter values have been calculated for the source spectrum region. The background model parameters are free, and the user can verify the quality of the background subtraction and tweak the model.
When the background model is satisfactory, create an Xspec save file with the
command save all bgd_src1_mymodel
and use this for the following step.
Otherwise, just use the output from nuskybgd spec
(as below).
nuskybgd simplify bgdinfo.json bgd_src1.xcm
This final step removes the spectra from the background regions from the saved
Xspec state, leaving only the source spectrum. The background model parameters
are frozen, and the user can load this save file in Xspec and proceed to
adding their source model. The default output file name for the example
command above is bgd_only_src1.xcm
, but this can be customized using the
Images of the model background sources can be created from the Xspec save file obtained in the previous step. For example, to generate images of the model counts between 3 and 20 keV,
nuskybgd image bgdinfo.json mymodel.xcm 3 20
This results in two files for each background source (A and B), as well as images of the FCXB in each background spectrum region.
Creates det0A.rmf, det1A.rmf, etc... in bgd/
cd /Users/qw/astro/nustar/IC342_X1/90201039002/event_cl
absrmf.py nu90201039002A01_cl.evt bgd/det
absrmf.py nu90201039002B01_cl.evt bgd/det
cd bgd/
imrefspec.py AB 0123