SMP (Simple Maths Parser) is a library that can solve relatively simple mathematical expressions in a textual format. It is written in Kotlin, and is a Kotlin-first library.
Values can be provided as either an integer, double or a named variable. Variables can consist of letters and underscores and are resolved either at or before computation using a suspending provider. This allows for variables to be easily computed from costly sources.
Support is provided for the following operators:
- addition (+),
- subtraction (-),
- multiplication (*),
- division (/), and
- exponentiation (^).
Additionally, parentheses can be used.
SMP is not a general purpose expression solver. It is intended for simple use cases that can be easily and simply represented with strings.
It is not a library intended for consumption in Java or other non-Kotlin JVM languages.
SMP can be found on Noxcrew's public Maven repository and added to a Gradle project as follows:
repositories {
maven {
name = "noxcrew"
url = uri("")
dependencies {
Some simple examples of how to use the library can be seen below. For further examples, see the test files.
// Computes an expression, skipping the resolve steps.
// You can create your own instances with variable resolution.
val myInstance = SMP.create(...)
// You can store the IR of an expression for later computation.
val expression = myInstance.parse("100/my_variable")
Documentation for how to use the library can be found on the library's entrypoint, the SMP
Javadocs/Dokka docs are also provided.