posthog-kotlin is a Kotlin library to interact with the PostHog API.
posthog-kotlin currently supports the following features:
Feature | Implemented |
Single/Batch events | ✅ |
Identify | ✅ |
posthog-kotlin can be found on Noxcrew's public Maven repository and added to a Gradle project as follows:
repositories {
maven {
name = "noxcrew"
url = uri("")
dependencies {
Some simple examples of how to use the library can be seen below. For further examples, see the test files.
// Create your PostHog instance (do this once, centrally).
val postHog = PostHog(
hostname = "",
apiKey = "<your_api_key_here>",
// See docs for more settings you can change here.
// PostHog events have properties that can be constructed using the PostHogProperties class.
val properties = PostHogProperties.fromMap(
"some_key" to "my_value",
"data_here" to "cool_setting",
// Events can be added to the queue using your PostHog instance from earlier.
userId = "kezz",
eventName = "made a cool library",
properties = properties,
// You can also identify users.
userId = "kezz",
properties = properties,
// When you are finished with your application, close the PostHog instance to flush the queue.
Documentation for how to use the library can be found on the library's entrypoint, the PostHog
Javadocs/Dokka docs are also provided.
Should you encounter any issues while using posthog-kotlin, please create an issue, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For questions and feedback, please use the discussions tab or the #api-chat channel in the MCC Discord.