Copy the folder "UnitySweeper/Editor" of this project into the "plugins" folder, under the assets folder of your Unity project.
The path should look like this: "Assets/Plugins/UnitySweeper/Editor".
This plugin helps you sweep up your project - it detects unused files, removes them from the project, and creates a backup of the removed assets exported as a unity package.
Using the tool is really simple. You can initiate deleting unused files through the Window
Options are:
- Only resource - Will sweep everything except scripts
- Unused by Editor - Will sweep everything used by game or editor, including scripts
- Unused by Game - Will sweep everything used by game, including scripts
- Clear cache - Deletes cache files
If you choose Unused by Game, it will also remove this plugin itself by default.
You can click the button Exclude plugins in the next window to prevent this behaviour.
If you choose any of first three options, Unity Sweeper will run a search through your project, after which it will show a screen like this:
...from where you can review the unused assets found, uncheck assets which you want to keep in your project, and select the assets you want to exclude from your project. Unity Sweeper will also remove empty directories.
Clicking the Exclude from Project button will create a Unity Package with current the datetime and export the package to the location of PROJECT_ROOT/BackupUnusedAssets
The first (but since abandoned) version of this tool was built by tsubaki.