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Fix for #13 and adds test target and notes.
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gwsii committed Sep 11, 2020
1 parent 83ce36a commit 8be7afa
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Showing 13 changed files with 10,234 additions and 1,759 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
const join = require('path').join

module.exports = require(__dirname + '/lib/aws-sigv4');
module.exports = require(join(__dirname, '/lib/aws-sigv4'))
326 changes: 176 additions & 150 deletions lib/aws-sigv4.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,155 +1,181 @@
'use strict';

var aws = require('aws-sdk'),
url = require('url'),
constants = {
PLUGIN_PREFIX: 'artillery-plugin-',
PLUGIN_NAME: 'aws-sigv4',
THE: 'The "',
CONFIG_REQUIRED: '" plugin requires configuration under [script].config.plugins.',
PARAM_REQUIRED: '" parameter is required',
PARAM_MUST_BE_STRING: '" param must have a string value',
ERROR: ' ERROR (signature will not be added): '
messages = {
pluginConfigRequired: constants.THE + constants.PLUGIN_NAME + constants.CONFIG_REQUIRED + constants.PLUGIN_NAME,
pluginParamServiceNameRequired: constants.THE + constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME + constants.PARAM_REQUIRED,
pluginParamServiceNameMustBeString: constants.THE + constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME + constants.PARAM_MUST_BE_STRING,
sdkConfigInvalidError: constants.PLUGIN_PREFIX + constants.PLUGIN_NAME + constants.ERROR
impl = {
validateScriptConfig: function(scriptConfig) {
// Validate that plugin config exists
if (!(scriptConfig && scriptConfig.plugins && constants.PLUGIN_NAME in scriptConfig.plugins)) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginConfigRequired);
// Validate NAMESPACE
if (!(constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME in scriptConfig.plugins[constants.PLUGIN_NAME])) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginParamServiceNameRequired);
} else if (!('string' === typeof scriptConfig.plugins[constants.PLUGIN_NAME][constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME] ||
scriptConfig.plugins[constants.PLUGIN_NAME][constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME] instanceof String)) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginParamServiceNameMustBeString);
validateSdkConfig: function(credentials, region) {
var result = false;
if (!credentials) {
'credentials not obtained. ',
'Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain valid credentials.'
} else if (
(credentials.accessKeyId && credentials.secretAccessKey) ||
) {
'valid credentials not loaded. ',
'Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain credentials with either both accessKeyId and ',
'secretAccessKey attributes (optionally sessionToken) or a roleArn attribute.'
} else if (!region) {
'valid region not configured. ',
'Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain a valid region for use in signing your requests. ',
'Consider exporting or setting AWS_REGION. Alternatively specify a default ',
'region in your ~/.aws/config file.'
} else {
result = true;
return result;
addAmazonSignatureV4: function(serviceName, requestParams, context, ee, callback) {
var targetUrl = url.parse(requestParams.uri || requestParams.url),
credentials = aws.config.credentials,
region = aws.config.region,
end = new aws.Endpoint(targetUrl.hostname),
req = new aws.HttpRequest(end),

if (impl.validateSdkConfig(credentials, region)) {
req.method = requestParams.method;
req.path = targetUrl.path;
req.region = region;
req.headers.Host =;

for (header in requestParams.headers) {
req.headers[header] = requestParams.headers[header];

if (requestParams.body) {
req.body = requestParams.body;
} else if (requestParams.json) {
req.body = JSON.stringify(requestParams.json);

signer = new aws.Signers.V4(req, serviceName);
signer.addAuthorization(credentials, new Date());

for (header in req.headers) {
requestParams.headers[header] = req.headers[header];
api = {
init: function(scriptConfig, eventEmitter) {
var AwsSigV4Plugin = function(scriptConfig, eventEmitter) {
var serviceName,
sdkCredentials = false,
serviceName = scriptConfig.plugins[constants.PLUGIN_NAME][constants.PLUGIN_PARAM_SERVICE_NAME];
aws.config.getCredentials(function(err) {
if (err) {
sdkCredentialsError = err;
} else {
sdkCredentials = true;
if (p) {
impl.addAmazonSignatureV4(serviceName, p.requestParams, p.context,, p.callback);
if (!scriptConfig.processor) {
scriptConfig.processor = {};
scriptConfig.processor.addAmazonSignatureV4 = function(requestParams, context, ee, callback) {
if (!sdkCredentials) {
if (sdkCredentialsError) {
'credentials fetch error. ',
'Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain valid credentials. ',
'Error: ',
} else {
p = { requestParams: requestParams, context: context, ee: ee, callback: callback };
} else {
impl.addAmazonSignatureV4(serviceName, requestParams, context, ee, callback);
return new AwsSigV4Plugin(scriptConfig, eventEmitter);
'use strict'

const aws = require('aws-sdk')
const URL = require('url').URL

const PLUGIN_NAME = 'aws-sigv4'

const messages = {
pluginConfigRequired: `The ${PLUGIN_NAME} plugin requires configuration under [script].config.plugins.${PLUGIN_NAME}.`,
pluginParamServiceNameRequired: 'The "serviceName" parameter is required.',
pluginParamServiceNameMustBeString: 'The "serviceName" parameter must have a string value.',
sdkConfigInvalidError: `artillery-plugin-${PLUGIN_NAME} ERROR (signature will not be added): `

const impl = {
// Check to see if the script contains a valid configuration.
validateScriptConfig: function (scriptConfig) {
// Validate that plugin config exists
if (!(scriptConfig && scriptConfig.plugins && scriptConfig.plugins[PLUGIN_NAME])) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginConfigRequired)

// Validate serviceName in config
const serviceNameConfig = scriptConfig.plugins[PLUGIN_NAME].serviceName
if (!serviceNameConfig) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginParamServiceNameRequired)
} else if (!(typeof serviceNameConfig !== 'string' || (serviceNameConfig instanceof String))) {
throw new Error(messages.pluginParamServiceNameMustBeString)

// Check to see if the AWS SDK configuration are valid.
// Returns true if config is valid, false otherwise.
validateSdkConfig: function (credentials, region) {
// Some credentials must be found.
if (!credentials) {
console.log(`${messages.sdkConfigInvalidError} credentials not obtained.`)
console.log('Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain valid credentials.')
return false

// Check that the credentials contain either an access id and key pair or a Role ARN.
const validIdAndKeyPair = (credentials.accessKeyId && credentials.secretAccessKey)
if (!(validIdAndKeyPair || credentials.roleArn)) {
console.log(`${messages.sdkConfigInvalidError} valid credentials not loaded.`)
console.log('Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain credentials with either both accessKeyId and secretAccessKey attributes (optionally sessionToken) or a roleArn attribute.')
return false

// A valid AWS region must be configured.
if (!region) {
console.log(`${messages.sdkConfigInvalidError} valid region not configured.`)
console.log('Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain a valid region for use in signing your requests.')
console.log('Consider exporting or setting AWS_REGION or alternatively specify a default region in your AWS config file.')
return false

return true

// Adds an Amazon V4 signature to the Artillery requests.
addAmazonSignatureV4: function (awsOptions, requestParams, context, ee, callback) {
const url = requestParams.uri || requestParams.url

// Perform variable substitution in url.
const varNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(context.vars)
const actualUrl = varNames.reduce((accUrl, name) => {
return accUrl.split(`{{${name}}}`).join(context.vars[name])
}, url.split(' ').join(''))

// Get URL info needed to re-write the request.
const targetUrl = new URL(actualUrl)
const endpoint = new aws.Endpoint(targetUrl.href)
const request = new aws.HttpRequest(endpoint)

// Copy Artillery request parameters into the AWS HttpRequest.
request.method = requestParams.method
request.path = targetUrl.pathname +
request.region = awsOptions.region
request.headers.Host =

// Copy Artillery request headers into the AWS HttpRequest.
for (var header in requestParams.headers) {
request.headers[header] = requestParams.headers[header]

// If Artillery request contains a body then copy it.
if (requestParams.body) {
request.body = requestParams.body

// If Artillery request includes json in the body,
// then stringify and copy it into the AWS HttpRequest.
if (requestParams.json) {
request.body = JSON.stringify(requestParams.json)

// Now with all the request parameters copied to the AWS HttpRequest,
// we can use their signer to generate the Authorization header.
const signer = new aws.Signers.V4(request, awsOptions.serviceName)
signer.addAuthorization(awsOptions.credentials, new Date())

// Copy the headers from the AWS HttpRequest back to the Artillery requestParams.
// This will now include the necessary Authorization header needed for AWS.
for (header in request.headers) {
requestParams.headers[header] = request.headers[header]

// Allow Artillery to continue.

// Implement plugin to be consumed by Artillery.
const AwsSigV4Plugin = function (scriptConfig, eventEmitter) {
// Collect configuration from the environment and validate.
const credentials = aws.config.credentials
const region = aws.config.region
const sdkConfigurationIsValid = impl.validateSdkConfig(credentials, region)

if (!sdkConfigurationIsValid) {
throw new Error('Invalid AWS SDK configuration: see messages above. Cannot create AwsSigV4Plugin.')

const serviceName = scriptConfig.plugins[PLUGIN_NAME].serviceName
var sdkCredentials = false
var sdkCredentialsError
var p

// impl.validateScriptConfig(scriptConfig)
// serviceName = scriptConfig.plugins[PLUGIN_NAME].serviceName
aws.config.getCredentials(function (err) {
if (err) {
sdkCredentialsError = err
} else {
sdkCredentials = true
if (p) {
impl.addAmazonSignatureV4(serviceName, p.requestParams, p.context,, p.callback)

if (!scriptConfig.processor) {
scriptConfig.processor = {}

scriptConfig.processor.addAmazonSignatureV4 = function (requestParams, context, ee, callback) {
if (!sdkCredentials) {
if (sdkCredentialsError) {
'credentials fetch error. ',
'Ensure the aws-sdk can obtain valid credentials. ',
'Error: ',
} else {
p = {
requestParams: requestParams,
context: context,
ee: ee,
callback: callback
} else {
impl.addAmazonSignatureV4({ serviceName, region, credentials }, requestParams, context, ee, callback)

// Provide init() function to return the plugin.
const init = function (scriptConfig, eventEmitter) {
return new AwsSigV4Plugin(scriptConfig, eventEmitter)

module.exports = api.init;
module.exports = init

/* test-code */
module.exports.constants = constants;
module.exports.messages = messages;
module.exports.impl = impl;
module.exports.api = api;
module.exports.messages = messages
module.exports.impl = impl
/* end-test-code */

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