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this project is created in ethernals and ELEC S431F Blockchain Technologies.

The problem Web3 Todo App solves

This dapp help organise our daily tasks in a more secure way by using blockchain technology, using blockchain as backend make this dapp better in transparency, decentralized.


  • Self-Hosted.
  • In Frontend, create a task, delete a task, update task status, set task Highlighted in the blockchain.
  • Set all the task statuses and remove all the tasks at once.
  • Recorded task created timestamp and stored at blockchain.

Example screenshots


Created by

SID:12586593 Name: Tsoi Siu Fung SID:12555360 Name: Hung Wai Chak SID:12598033 Name: Cheng Yiu Hang SID:12549757 Name: Lam Chun Hin

Project details:

Folder: Contracts/Todolist.sol (deploy this in remix IDE)

    FrontEnd/index.html(The main page of the website)
    FrontEnd/js/app.js(Javascript handle between HTML and blockchain)
    FrontEnd/js/config.js(smartcontract config: ABI, address)
    FrontEnd/js/getAccount.js(Local blockchain endpoint and default wallet)

Technologies used: Solidity , JavaScript , CSS3 , HTML5 Required Technologies: Ganache CLI , Remix IDE


  • Solidity is used to create a smart contract on Ethereum.
  • Javascript is used to interact with HTML webpage between the blockchain network.
  • CSS3/bootstrap is used for the layout and design of a better-looking website.
  • HTML5 is used to set up a to-do list web page
  • Ganachi CLI is used to set up a local blockchain for testing your decentralized application
  • RemixIDE is used for the contract development.

Thing to look: For testing, this website has selected the first account in the blockchain as the testing wallet. Make sure your account has enough money, otherwise, you may fail to do the transaction.


There are 2 core components, Ganachi cli and Remix:

Example deployment configurations:

To deploy this smart contract, you need to:

$ ganache-cli

  • Mark down the Endpoint of your blockchain

  • Run Remix IDE, Create a new project and copy and paste the todolist.sol under contracts folder

  • Compile the smart contract and go to DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS, select ENVIRONMENT(WEB3 Provider) and set the Endpoint same as your local blockchain Endpoint.

  • Press OK and then press Deploy button to deploy smart contract to our blockchain

  • After deploying the smart contract to blockchain, copy the contractAddress

  • Paste the contractAddress to folder /frontend/js/config.js line 158

    [let contractAddress = "";]

  • Make sure getAccount.js HttpProvider is the same as your Endpoint


Support image



this project is created in ethernals






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