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Optitheme for Hugo


I started using Hugo quite some time ago. I heavily modified the theme to fit my needs and thought it's time to create a theme that fits my needs.


  • Layout and Content

    • Cookie consent at bottom
    • Footer with privacy, imprint, terms of service
    • Automatic TOC for long pages
      • Parameter to disable TOC
    • Responsive images (modify figure template)
    • Breadcrumbs
    • 404-Page
    • Multi language support with translations
    • Meta data for author
    • Content listings
      • Parameter to disable listing
      • Parameter to filter unwanted entries
      • Description as Teasertext
      • Date format
      • Pagination
    • Social sharing
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
    • Favicon using parameter in config file
  • CSS

    • CSS-grid module layout
    • CSS-only off canvas menu
    • SCSS for e.g. colors configurable using params in config file
    • Print CSS
  • Performance

    • No external JavaScript libraries
    • No external Fonts
    • Minified HTML
      • Disable Hugo Generator inject
    • Inline CSS
    • Minified CSS
    • Minified JavaScript
    • Minified Images
    • Font-Awesome
      • Only required icons
  • Audits and best practice

    • Validates in W3C
    • Pass Mobile friendly test
    • Score 100% in Google Lighthouse
      • Performance
      • Progressive Web App
      • Best practice
      • Accessability
      • SEO
  • SEO

    • self referencing canonical tag
    • sitemap.xml
      • do not include noindex in sitemap.xml
    • robots.txt
      • reference sitemap.xml
    • Meta-Robots via front matter
    • SEO Title via front matter
    • Meta description via front matter
    • markup
  • Business /

    • Analytics
      • anonymize IP
    • Adsense
  • Documentation

Template Settings

theme = "optitheme"
baseurl = ""
title = "Optitheme"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
LanguageCode = "en"

paginate = 3
disableHugoGeneratorInject = true
disableKinds = ["taxonomyTerm"]
canonifyurls = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableGitInfo = true

googleAnalytics = ""

	privacyPolicy = "privacy.html"
	ot_favicon = "favicon.png"

	ot_service_worker = true

		weight = 1
        languageName = "English"
        languageCode = "en"
		url = "/"		
		title = "Optitheme - EN"

		weight = 2
        languageName = "Deutsch"
        languageCode = "de"
        url = "/de/"
		title = "Optitheme - DE"	
		identifier = "about"
		name = "About Optitheme"
		pre = ""
		url = "/about/"
		weight = -110

		identifier = "de/about"
		name = "Über Optitheme"
		pre = ""
		url = "/de/about/"
		weight = -110	

  categories = "categories"	
    anonymizeIP = true
    disable = false
    respectDoNotTrack = false
    useSessionStorage = false

	resampleFilter = "Lanczos"
	quality = 80
	anchor = "smart"
	filename = "sitemap.xml"
	date = ["date", "publishDate", "lastmod", ":git"]

Content Settings

Here is an example for front matter for a content. Please note: true and false should not be written in quotes to have an effect.

title: "Title"
description: "Description"
ot_seo_title: ""
ot_meta_description: ""
# ot_meta_robots: "noindex"
# ot_showdate: false
# ot_showads: false
# ot_showtoc: false
# ot_showlist: false
# ot_showinlist: false

date: 2018-08-29T00:00:00Z
# lastmod: 2018-08-29T00:00:00Z
# publishDate: 2018-08-29T00:00:00Z
# expiryDate: 9999-12-31T00:00:00Z

# draft: true
# url: /example-url.html

# categories:
#   - "example"
#   - "hello"

# menu:
#   main:
#     name: "Name in main menu"
#    weight: 4
#   footer:
#     name: "Name in footer menu"
#    weight: -1

# ot_schema_org: ["Person", "Organization", "LodgingBusiness"]


Optimized Theme for Hugo







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