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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

0.kind: bug
0.kind: bug
Something is broken
0.kind: build failure
0.kind: build failure
A package fails to build
0.kind: enhancement
0.kind: enhancement
Add something new
0.kind: package adoption
0.kind: package adoption
Requests or PRs for adopting packages that have no maintainers
0.kind: packaging request
0.kind: packaging request
Request for a new package to be added
0.kind: question
0.kind: question
Requests for a specific question to be answered
0.kind: regression
0.kind: regression
Something that worked before working no longer
0.kind: ZHF Fixes
0.kind: ZHF Fixes
Fixes during the Zero Hydra Failures (ZHF) campaign
1.severity: blocker
1.severity: blocker
This is preventing another PR or issue from being completed
1.severity: channel blocker
1.severity: channel blocker
Blocks a channel
1.severity: legal
1.severity: legal
This PR or issue raises or fixes a legal issue, e.g. licensing compliance
1.severity: mass-darwin-rebuild
1.severity: mass-darwin-rebuild
This PR causes a large number of packages to rebuild on Darwin
1.severity: mass-rebuild
1.severity: mass-rebuild
This PR causes a large number of packages to rebuild
1.severity: security
1.severity: security
Issues which raise a security issue, or PRs that fix one
2. status: backlog
2. status: backlog
This is a low priority
2.status: blocked by pr/issue
2.status: blocked by pr/issue
Another PR or issue is preventing this from being completed
2.status: duplicate
2.status: duplicate
This is a duplicate of another issue or PR
2.status: fix-in-staging
2.status: fix-in-staging
This issue has been fixed in staging but is not yet in the channels or master
2.status: invalid
2.status: invalid
"This doesn't seem right": Issues or PRs that are unintelligible
2.status: merge conflict
2.status: merge conflict
This PR has merge conflicts with the target branch
2.status: needs-changes
2.status: needs-changes
This PR needs changes by the author
2.status: stale
2.status: stale
2.status: wait for branch‐off
2.status: wait for branch‐off
Waiting for the next Nixpkgs branch‐off
2.status: wait-for-upstream
2.status: wait-for-upstream
Waiting for upstream fix (or their other action).
2.status: wontfix
2.status: wontfix
We cannot or will not fix this issue
2.status: work-in-progress
2.status: work-in-progress
This PR isn't done
3.skill: good-first-bug
3.skill: good-first-bug
This seems like it's fixable by a non-expert
3.skill: sprintable
3.skill: sprintable
A larger issue which is split into distinct actionable tasks
3.skill: trivial
3.skill: trivial
This is trivial to complete (typically find-and-replace)
5. scope: tracked
5. scope: tracked
Issue (or PR) is linked back to a `5. scope: tracking` issue