This project was made by my group and I, during our first semester. The endgoal here was to identify a problem in the real world, and try to conceptualize a solution, that could be emulated with a Zumo32U4, for that specific real-world problem.
My group and I, ended up settling on the concept of cleaning outdoor shooting ranges, due to the fact that we were aware of heavy plastic polution from wads, that can be found inside hail-ammuniation for shotguns, that are usually used at outdoor shooting ranges (With the exception of rifle ranges).
To solve emulate a solution, we came up with 2 concepts. A randomized movement restricted by an area og given size (width and height), and systematic movement that would scan through the area until it had covered enough area. The robot is reuseable and rechargable, based on concepts seen in robotic lawnmowers.
The robot uses a built-in coordinatsystem and waypoints, which was made from scratch by my group and I. It proved to be impressively accurate.
There is a demonstrate for each solution that was designed for this project. Click the image to watch the video.
Please note that the white tape on the ground, on the systematic demonstration, serves only to show where the robot should be at a given time.