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How to use

NikkoTC edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 4 revisions


To start using GML-Classes, just add gml_classes script to your project.

Class definition

To define class use a special keywords class and define.

class MyClass define

Class inheritance

If you need to inherit from another class, then use keyword extends like this:

class MyClass extends MyParentClass define

Constructor and destructor

A constructor is a method that is called when an instance of a class is created.
A destructor is a method that is called when an instance of a class is deleted.
The constructor method must be named _constructor, and the destructor - _destructor.

class MyClass define
	_constructor = function() {
		// initialize all variables here
	_destructor = function() {
		// deinitialize here, free memory

Calling parent method

To call parrent method use keyword super.

class MyClass extends MyParentClass define
	_constructor = function(name) {
		// call parent constructor
		// do something else
	_destructor = function() {
		// call parent destructor
	doSomething = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
		// call parent method
		super.doSomething(arg0, arg1, arg2);
		// do something else

Class instance

To instantiate a class, you must use the create function instead of the new keyword as you would for structures, otherwise the class instance structure will not be initialized properly and you will get an error. To delete class instance you must use destroy function instead of delete keyword.

// instantiate class
inst = create(MyClass, "Teapot");

// use it

// don't forget to delete it with the `destroy` function