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Nikita edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the EasyAuth wiki!

You can find explanation for configuration file here.


Also check permission for them

Player commands:

  • /login <password>, /l <password> - logins the user
  • /logout - de-authenticate the user
  • /register <password> <password> - registers the user
  • /account - managing your account
    • unregister <password> - deletes your account
    • changePassword <old password> <new password> - changes your password
      Note: As a password you can use singleWord, words_with_underscores, "quoted phrase" or "phrase with &$@#"

Admin commands (require op privileges):

  • /auth - admin command
    • reload - reloads config
    • setGlobalPassword <password> - sets the global password for the server
    • setSpawn [<dimension id> <x> <y> <z>] - sets the spawn, where players teleported temporarily during login process
    • remove <uuid> - removes user's account from database
    • update <uuid> <password> - updates user's password
    • register <uuid> <password> - creates the user account
    • uuid <player> - give correct offline uuid fot that player nickname in lower case
    • addToForcedOffline <player> - add player in forcedOfflinePlayers list
    • list - print all registered players
      • Note: right now show only that players who are a login since last start