neural networks models performing visual search tasks
Code for paper with experiments that use this library:
Proceedings paper from 2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience that used previous versions of this library.
Tool that can be used to generate visual search stimuli to then carry out experiments with this library:
The following commands were used to create the environment:
tu@computi:~$ conda create -n searchnets python=3.6 numpy matplotlib imageio joblib tensorflow-gpu
tu@computi:~$ source activate searchnets
tu@computi:~$ git clone
tu@computi:~$ cd ./visual-search-nets
tu@computi:~$ pip install .
Installing this package (by running pip install .
in the source directory) makes it
possible to run experiments from the command line with the searchnets
command, like so:
tu@computi:~$ searchnets train config.ini
The command-line interface accepts arguments with the syntax searchnets command config.ini
where command
is some command to run, and config.ini
is the name of a configuration file
with options that specify how the command will be executed.
For details on the commands, see this page in the docs.
For details on the config.ini
files, please see this other page.
- Research funded by the Lifelong Learning Machines program, DARPA/Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA cooperative agreement HR0011-18-2-0019
- David Nicholson was partially supported by the 2017 William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund to F. Pestilli, R. Goldstone and L. Smith, Indiana University Bloomington.