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Help ▪ Editor ✏️ ▪ Exporting your project 💾 ▪ Video

Nicke Manarin edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Exporting as Video

output types

You can export your project as Video using 2 different types of encoders:

Encoder: System

encoder system

This encoder produces a video of the type AVI, using the encoder that is available with Windows. Also, it compresses the video using an available video compressor.

⚠️ For some reason (that I still don't know), the output video may be inverted vertically. It only happens with some machines, so I could not fix it. If this is happening with you, just uncheck/check the option to flip the video vertically. ⚠️

Encoder: FFmpeg

encoder ffmpeg

With this encoder, the configuration is set via text. The commands are passed to FFmpeg during the encoding. If you lost your settings, here's the default one (it's used for .mp4):

-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "pad=width={W}:height={H}:x=0:y=0:color=black"

If you wish to tweak that command, take a look at the FFmpeg documentation.

If you want to export as WebM, you'll need to use these settings (and change the file type to .webm):

-c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "pad=width={W}:height={H}:x=0:y=0:color=black"

In order to export using this encoder, you'll need to download FFmpeg.