Gigamock is a generic utility to be used as mocked server to provide a simplified and consistent API over various network data sources such as http REST API or grpc or graphql services or as a mocking messaging systems like a kafka via mocking response or send message to some message system.
This package is very, very early and incomplete! It is mostly just an experiment and is not really useful yet.
You can download the precompiled release binary from releases via web or via
You can also use Go 1.12 or later to build the latest stable version from source:
go get
brew install nicktaporuk/tap/gigamock
# After initial install you can upgrade the version via:
brew upgrade gigamock
grpc api mock
graphql api mock
parse swagger api to mock scenarios
benchmarks as performance tests(REST API, kafka topics, graphql APIs, grps API, NATS and so one)